Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A BMW inspired by Usain Bolt's trainers


Hats off to BMW. The German car maker smacked the rest of theautomotive world upside its collective head on Tuesday, with a bonkersnew concept car that can worry a BMW M3 in a drag race, challenge aToyota Prius for scanty emissions, and beat Nicole Richie’s newbornchild, Sparrow James Midnight Madden, in a stupidest-name contest.

Behold the BMW Vision EfficientDynamics: A car so progressivethat it actually looks like a pair of Usain Bolt’s Puma training shoes.Its bodywork has an almost exoskeletal appearance, with F1-inspiredbody panels that look as if they’ve had enormous chunks gouged out ofthem for less resistance through the air. It seems to work, too–theVision has a drag coefficient of 0.22, which is the lowest of any BMWcar.

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