The son of new prime minister of Japan has education at Moscow state University as Evgeniy Primakov. That Primakov with native relations with Kazakhstan and Georgia was from Ukrainian special service with connections with Nikita Krushev. In any words great kazakhian- georgian’s mixe. Who was my adopting mother before she decided to appropriate the own name of my own mother, her own daughter and her inheritance , business, financies and profits? Native son of Evgeniy Primakov- Aleksandr now in Greece play the role of great bankier, robb and kill the old peoples and stole the childs. In any words he has strong connections with raven’s and with mass cemetery in Greece under the name Irakliy- translated as -and cancer to pour. Some years ago that Primakov has the big debts for Arab countries and started the war between Kuwait and Iraq. In Kuwait he took a financies and happenly deficated ( defecated) them’s. Native daughter of that Primakov Nina was a director of the school where my own sons has education- school 60 in Vilnius. Native granddaughter of that Primakov for there’s legende died in twin -towers, when they ruined the property of my own grandfather and my own inheritance twin-towers 11.09.2001. – and three weeks later they started first savaging attacks against me. Don’t forgett ,that they killed David Rockefeller in 1975 in the Primakov house and to USA happenly going the double – illusionist and the conjurer and became to rule in my own inheritance. Another native daughter of thart Primakov- Natalia Stroganova happenly helped to Sergey Lopatinskiy to spend my own inheritance financies. When they need more – they ordinary took that financies in oil and gas concern Opec- under the trusteeship my own inheritance – as for my own needs. Paying for me with my own youngest son 60 dollars for both for month. When my oldest son became to help me and to sent financies -they ordinary opened against him mass criminal cases, beating, him at regular basis, makes a mass of gangster’s attack’s against him and his office and blocked at there’s villages. They undressed him in regular basis, when they see that he have financies. And sticks round with there prostitute’s and villages familes. Natalia Stroganova was the wife of the son of Yuriy Vladimirovich Andropov- Yuriy Stroganov. One controll me in the newspaper, she control me not only by installation but with the help of her sister pressed my own sons in school too. Her native brother Aleksandr help to Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya from the bank Snoras – system of Conversbank to take my own profits from my own inheritance. Who decided to sell my own profits for that bank and for what reason? That Aleksandr at that moment has the name Alex Gliklad. He – the partner of Josif Kobson- great and interesting singer with the name -policeman in zone and son of Josif Stalin. That Kobson now have in his family some Michelle – native daughter of Michelle Obama. That Michelle- native daughter of Lubov Mazurina- Eberzenok with new name Irina Abramovich. As Roman Abramovich and under that name sometimes gone to the scene Konstantin Smirnov. And why was mass killing in Kuwait after that Primakov’s credit? That Primakov was the native brother of Raisa Gorbacheva- which now with Arkadiy Volskiy and his Conversbank at my own financies and profits happenly lived in Spain. (His wife Laura Charadze played the role of Laura Bush in USA. Her double look like mother of Renata Kochneva – Kochneviene) Raisa Gorbacheva legalisated her death 20.09.1999. With strong connections with Larisa Bakova- native daughter from my adopting parents- now Asma Al Assad in Syria and with her mass doubles as Letizia in Spain. That Larisa from native relations with gipsy’s and tatarian maids as Raisa Gorbacheva. Such gipsy’s liked very much some Smirnov – Gromov- Elcin’s family with connections with Ezov- ex soviet fascist. There’s native daughter has a picture as Barbra Streizand and Ludmila Putina. Her name was- Tatiana Elcina. Foto – when died Boris Elcin ( he was from Boris Gromov – Aleksey- Ivan- Smirnov’s family – with George Soros face – translated as -slop pail from Russia.) That Smirnov’s and campany ruled in my own inheritance fund, which they named George Soros fund. At cementry -Why were surprised Bill Clinton and George Bush? The great financial ruler of all that gangster’s clan in concern Opec – Sergey Lopatinskiy with the face of the actor Sergey Stepanchenko and Sergey Zagrebnev- Zarembo. Both of them with native relations with Nikita Krushev, Ezov , Voroshilov. Both of them helped to new prime minister of Japan some Yukio Hatoyama to seat down at that place. With the installation in nose. Who knows what is it ? One of the childs of some Ludmila Putina- which was in real live Tatiana Elcina- Mechrenceva- Kozuhova , educated Japaneese language -Katerina. May be she decided to play the role in performance – the granddaughter of The King The Son. In 1986- 1990 they played the role of granddaughter of Anastasiya Romanova in Germany. In 1993 Ludmila Putina was under plastic operation after car crash. What is it? She was killed in 1993 and her biography was needed to Tatiana Elcina ? Who and what appropriated in Germany from my own inheritance from my own grandmother? The system of Conversbank – Konversbank in which ruled Arkadiy Volskiy has strong connections with George Soros fund- my own inheritance from my own grandfather. More- in Gorbachev’s fund, where happenly ruled Irina Noskova- Smirnova ( she was registrated as the daughter of Ivan- Aleksey Smirnov with native relations with Boris Gromov and with George Soros face and Ija Smirnova with the face of Elizabeth II ) under the name Irina Gorbacheva. They took the financies from that new named George Soros fund and spent it to the fund of Michail Gorbachev. And happenly deficated that financies for there’s needing’s. What do and done that maid in my own financie’s and my own inheritance? Now she that Irina Noskova- Smirnova- Gorbacheva in Greece with her great helper in the bed Aleksey Smirnov- which 21.09.2009 decided to beat me. Understand? That Aleksey Smirnov work as the man on a call at Main Address: Kifisou 14 – P.O. 18233 – Call Center: 210 4851100 – Fax: 210 4812902. One of the address near Teleperformance, where all that slop pail family grasses me and my own son. They live in Athens at Isminis 80 and Isminis 76, where live the stolen childs and childs of killing parents for sex trading. Near that Isminis 76- transportation cargo firm SABINO- where ruled some Armenian freak. He is coordinator of all that’s prostitute and killing business ( for killing). To that shop “Dora” where they rule with the name of my own mother( that name appropriated adopting mother as etc.) at Isminis 82 makes supply’s firm with tel. number – 210 28 35746-747. That shop -place for distribution of poisoning substance’s. At the other side of that shop – house for childs- as childs garden – the place of the transit the stolen child’s and place of there’s transitory appearance. It is a place of store(keep)of the key’s of the killing victims houses and there’s dresses. And such situation in all Greece. In Moscow that Conversbank- Konversbank was at the address Str. Goncharnaya 12. That bank was in the hands of adopting mother- Dora ( Zoya ) Ignatievna Lopatinskaya and new made David Rockefeller in USA. In any words Primakov- Breznev- Gromov- Stalin- Krushev’s families with the mass names but with there’s old faces. At Goncharnaya Str. number 1 was ” Obschaya Gazeta” – in that newspaper- with Gorbachev as the owner- worked I, Vitaliy Yaroshevskiy from my class and school as vice editor and Anna Politkovskaya. At that address was registrated the Laboratory of AID’s and cancer. Who was the owner? In 1979 that Gromov- Smirnov’s and Breznev’s families started the war in Afghanistan, blocking me in Volsk with two little childs. In 1981 in Egypt was killed Anwar Saddat and seating down some Hosni Mubarak – translated as – Mu-u-u and moo barrack. From Afghanistan they transported the zink coffins with Afghan’s soldiers (under the names of Soviet Union soldiers) which now have mass grave’s in ex Soviet Union. And from that time in Afghanistan happenly live’s as now in Greece new baked citizen’s from Russia, Tatarstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and etc. All that Armenian- Georgians stinkers and skunks, dependents and beggars to my own banks accounts and profits from my own inheritance with there’s Mkrtchian, Noskova, Gromov, Gorbachev, Lopatinskiy, Krushev’s family’s with variants with the names -as invalid’s in the carriage’s jumping following me and pressing me debting billions and thousands of billions. Now in Greece they cleaning the territory and killed the biggest part of the citizen’s of Greece with the help of that Hosni Mubarack and his gas from Egypt named Zarin-Sarin. That Hosni Mubarak look like little Konstantin Likhosherst- Korotchenko- which native father was Andrey Korotchenko and mother Elena Likhosherst. Native daughter of Zinaida Likhosherst with the face of Barbara Bush in USA. And sister of Maria Likhosherst – now with new name Sheikha Moza in Qatar. As that Maria Likhosherst, as Lubov Mazurina- Eberzenok -studied with me at the University in Sverdlovsk. The great third gas countries as they named themselfes- Russia, Qatar and Iran. In Russia rule’s happy husband of Tatiana Elcina – Vladimir Putin and strange mummer under the name Dmitriy Medvedev- double from the bear and honey know Jew. In Qatar some Sheikha Moza- which some years ago was Maria Likhosherst from Kiev and has education with me at the Ural University in Sverdlovsk. Her happy husband look like overeating Ivan Kostromskoy from my school and class, which lived in Sverdlovsk at the Str. Tatisheva-translated as – looking the Father Jew and she. In Iran “The first militant anti-Shah demonstrations were in October 1977″ – 8 month later when I borned my own first son . In september 1980 Iraq and Iran were during the war. In that time started the war in Afghanistan – during 9 month. From 02.10.1981 some Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Hoseyni Khāmene’i became new president of Iran. Leader was Sayyid Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini. What financies put in Iran my own grandfather and who decided to appropriate that financies as in Vietnam and Afghanistan? In the beginning of 2000 the great relations between Belarus and Iran took place. From that time some Michail Fridman with connections with Stroganov- Andropov- Primakov families ( and with Ludmila Kozlova – Sherbenok from my school and class with the face of Sara Palin in Alaska) draged by tankers the oil ( and gas) from Iran. What gas took Belarus and Russians freaks, robbers of my own inheritance , in Iran? Gas from Hosni Mubarak they took in balloon. Later when they poisoned me in Poland under the rulling of Angela Merkel with the face of Oksana Ginko, some times later to Poland jummped Hosni Mubarak 11.03.2008. And 14.03.2008 they proposed us to leave the Poland. They decided that financies, business and property they can to divide without me at all. And now the question- what gas they transported to Poland and what faces now live in Poland instead Polish? They till now grub in my own bags, stoling the old papers, post cards, foto’s and till now look’s how to stick to not there’s financies. They till now beat me to the head, crying, squeling and beating to the head by there’s freaks as Aleksey pedophile Smirnov. With native relations with Boris Gromov – great Napoleon in Afghanistan. That gas Zarin- Sarin they used in Japan in Tokyo metro in 1995. With the help of the great terrorist Oleg Lobov ( his native son Pavel Surkov- Lobov was the happy husband of Larisa Ginko- Surkova now with new name and doubles Hillary Clinton in USA). That Oleg with native relations with Michail and Nikolay Lopatinskiy’s. That Nikolay was my adopting father. All of them with native relations with Leonid Iliich Breznev. The name of that gas Zarin from the word, using in the Ural- zarit’cia- means- to envy.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Werbung im On- und Offlinebereich.
Um es gleich vorweg zu sagen, diesem Thema werden wir an die Wurzeln gehen. Viele Networker und Webmaster schreiben einen Werbetext, setzen ihn in die Zeitung oder das Internet und sagen sich das war es.
Werbung fängt aber viel viel früher an. Der Werbetext ist nur das Endresultat.
Wenn man die Basis nicht kennt und nicht weiß wie man Menschen bzw. seine Zielgruppe anspricht, wird man viel Geld in Werbung investieren ohne einen entsprechenden Erfolg zu haben.
Wir werden uns ein wenig mit Psychologie befassen müssen. Alles was Sie in diesem Bereich erfahren wird Ihnen in Zukunft nicht nur beruflich sondern auch privat sehr viel weiter helfen, weil Sie Menschen in Zukunft viel besser erkennen und einschätzen können.
Keine Panik, das macht Spass!
Einstellung zur Werbung.
Werbung ist alles!
Viele denken das Werbung nur das ist was man in den Printmedien oder im Fernsehen sieht. Das ist völlig falsch!
Werbung begleitet unser ganzes Leben, von der Geburt bis zum Tod.Werbung kann man nicht aus dem Leben heraus trennen, sie ist alles. Jeder Mensch, jedes Tier, jede Pflanze macht Werbung.Sie machen schon Werbung wenn Sie morgens Ihre Mundspülung machen, weil Sie ja nicht aus dem Mund riechen wollen. Wäre ja eine schlechte Werbung für Sie. Warum gehen Sie zum Friseur und kaufen sich ein Outfit in dem Sie sich wohl fühlen? Weil Sie damit Ihr inneres nach außen kehren um sich besser zu verkaufen.
Der Erpel bei den Enten ist zwar kleiner, aber bunt und schön, um auf sich aufmerksam zu machen. Warum sind im Frühjahr die Blüten so verlockend ? Weil sie Werbung machen für die Biene, komm her und bestäube mich.
Jedes Unternehmen macht Werbung. Sie kennen alle Aldi, Coca Cola, Mc Donald oder BMW. Namen die keiner vergisst. Trotzdem stecken diese Firmen jedes Jahr Milliarden in Werbung. Das machen sie ja nicht weil zu viel Geld da ist, sondern weil sie wissen, das Werbung ein niemals endender Prozess ist und das Image erhalten bleiben muss. Werbung machen Sie vom ersten bis zum letzten Tag, das ist einfach von der Natur schon so eingerichtet. Selbst als Baby machen wir schon Werbung indem wir niedlich aussehen. Wenn dies nicht so wäre würde man uns vielleicht nicht so gut füttern. Werbung ist eine niemals endende Geschichte und viele kennen den Spruch „Wer nicht wirbt, stirbt“. Das ist zwar ziemlich hart und krass ausgedrückt, trifft aber die Wahrheit auf den Punkt.
Werbung macht aber auch spass und animiert. Sie kennen alle Werbespots die Sie niemals im Leben vergessen. Werbung ist also das Image einer Firma. Da Sie als Networker Ihre eigene Firma sind, dreht es sich um Sie. Ihr Name ist Ihr Image!
Warum haben in einer Firma manche mehr Erfolg und andere weniger?
Am Produkt kann es nicht liegen. Das ist für alle gleich.
Es liegt zum wesentlichen Teil am Image der jeweiligen Personen. Menschen müssen sich sagen können hallo, der ist aber nett und sympathisch, der liegt mir. Nehmen wir als Beispiel Michael Schumacher oder Heidi Klum. Firmen würden Millionen dafür ausgeben um Sie in ihre Kampagnen einbinden zu können. Ihr Image ist hervorragend. Auf der anderen Seite, Verona Feldbusch. Ihr wurde jetzt ein Werbevertrag gekündigt, weil sich die Firma nicht mit den negativen Schlagzeilen in Verbindung bringen lassen wollte. Ihr Image ist dadurch angekratzt! Menschen orientieren sich an Menschen, nicht an Firmen oder Produkten. Wenn Sie Ihr Image hinter einem Produkt verstecken, sind sie weg vom Fenster, denn Produkte sind austauschbar.
Viele von Ihnen haben jetzt vielleicht gedacht Sie bekommen hier die super Werbeanzeigen präsentiert. Keine Angst das mag noch kommen. Das wesentliche sind aber Sie! Wie machen Sie Werbung für sich? Da fängt das Spiel an.
Ich sage Ihnen schon mal eins, achten Sie auf Ihren Ruf. Viele glauben das wäre im Internet nicht so wichtig und würde nicht beachtet. Das ist ein Irrtum. Die meisten Menschen die mit irgend jemandem etwas machen wollen, geben den Namen bei Google ein und schauen was dort steht. Glauben Sie mir, das schlechte wird immer zu erst gelesen. Niemand will sich mit Halbwahrheiten oder Pseudoprofilen identifizieren. Was Sie noch wissen sollten, Google sammelt alles. Wenn Sie mit sich und Ihrem Image im Internet erfolgreich sein wollen, verhalten Sie sich wie ein Politiker, von dem immer ein Bild geschossen wird. Machen Sie Frieden mit Ihrem Nachbarn und versuchen Sie ehrlich zu bleiben.
Dann, und nur dann, bietet Ihnen Werbung auch ein gutes Gefühl. Sie werden immer sicherer. Sie bauen sich damit Ihren Erfolg auf weil Sie mit der Zeit ja wissen, wenn ich dieses oder jenes tue, passiert das und das. Sie säen also ein gutes Image mit Ihrer Werbung und die Ernte ist schlicht und ergreifend Geld. Mit einem guten Image brauchen Sie auch keinem mehr hinterher zu laufen, nein, die Leute kommen zu Ihnen.
Das passiert natürlich nicht von jetzt auf gleich. Viele meinen Sie fangen im Network an und nächste Woche rollt der Rubel. Dem ist nicht so, tolle Anzeigen hin oder her. Es passiert erst dann, wenn Sie mit sich im reinen sind und sich ein gutes Image aufgebaut haben. Dann werden Ihnen die Leute folgen.
Kommen wir noch kurz zu den Punkten worauf Sie als Networker jetzt speziell achten sollten, welchen Wert Sie für andere darstellen.
Wie sollte beispielsweise eine Anzeige aussehen?
Wissen Sie man kann ganz schnell unseriöse Anzeigentexte schalten um aufzufallen, so nach dem Motto „Starten Sie bei mir, Millionär in 30 Tagen“. Das ist nicht seriös. Sie müssen sich also fragen, was bin ich für ein Mensch , was kann ich tun damit mein Image, meine Person herüberkommt. Was kann ich tun damit ich die Menschen anziehe die ich haben will. Betrachten Sie das immer von der Seite des anderen der Ihre Anzeige liest. Das selbe bezieht sich auch z.B. auf Ihre Mails. Ich weiß nicht was Sie von einer Mail halten, bei der Sie schon von vorne herein merken das es sich um einen dahin geklatschten, vorgefertigten Massenbrief handelt. Besser ist doch eine persönliche, freundliche Mail bei der man merkt das sich jemand um einen bemüht. Ein wenig auf die Rechtschreibung achtet, also mit „liebe“ geschrieben.
Das gleiche gilt auch für e-mail Signaturen.
Wenn ich eine Mail bekomme mit 15 Links auf andere Webseiten, nach der Art Hans Dampf in allen Gassen, zu der Person kann man doch keine Beziehung aufbauen. Wozu steht er? Diese Menschen sind doch in der Regel nicht loyal. Das sind Jäger die mit der Schrotflinte ins Korn schießen und hoffen das ein Schrotkorn trifft.
Kein Mensch will gejagt werden!
Also machen Sie ich immer Gedanken über Ihr Image und wie Sie sich nach außen verkaufen. Wirken Sie anziehend auf andere Menschen und werden Sie zum Magneten. Sie erreichen damit die Königsklasse im Network-Marketing. Die Menschen kommen alleine auf Sie zu. Sie werden gefragt was und wie Sie etwas machen. Ein Fels in der Brandung auf den man sich verlassen kann und mit dem man gerne zusammen arbeitet.
Im nächsten Kapitel gehen wir ins Eingemachte. Hier kommt für viele die Stunde der Selbsterkenntnis. Alle Menschen sind in verschiedene Grundtypen eingeteilt. Jeder hat alle Grundtypen in sich vereinigt, aber in unterschiedlichen Gewichtungen. Das macht uns so einmalig.
Wenn man also die unterschiedlichen Gewichtungen kennt, erkennt man auch, mit welchem Menschen man es zu tun hat und wie man ihn am besten erreicht.
Schauen Sie wieder vorbei. Bis dahin, maxximale Grüße,
Armin Pooth
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Spotted - BMW 2002tii that has seen better days:
Early BMW 2002tii
This Bavarian relic lives up on Sugar Hill in Manhattan. It’s an early model BMW 2002tii, a car that helped establish BMW as a maker of sports sedans. This example has had a hard life. Body damage, rust, and missing trim abound. The cheapo tint job hides the interior, but I have a feeling the inside is no better than the outside.
Naturally, the medical bandage tape seal for the sunroof is not factory original.
Vertical grill is, sadly, gone.
Well, it really is in sad shape, but I’d roll in this before I would in a new Chrysler Sebring. How about you?
Friday, September 25, 2009
Sept19-20 - Summit Point Shenandoah - NJBMW
Mary is recovering from surgery and her own set of “bolt-ons” … guest writer Mike Holland provides the following:
So….Kyle invites me to drivers school at Summit Point Shenandoah Circuit. It seems Mary will not be participating this weekend, but will attend to record the carnage. Hmmmmmmm should I? ABSOLUTELY!
Friday evening we arrive for early tech. We miss it by 5 minutes so we decide to walk the track. We stroll out. It’s dark, and getting darker. I see for the first time that this is not a Nascar track. All those left turns I practiced for nothing. Time for dinner and some sleep.
We awake Saturday morning. Damn it’s early, and cold. We stroll out to the cars parked at the far end of the hotel lot. The sun glistens off of the dew covering every inch of glass. It’s my first time ever driving a BMW, my first time paddle shifting, my first time on a track……This is either going to be really good, or really bad.
I fumble around trying to start the car, then trying to figure out how to put it in gear. Kyle comes over to help me not once, but twice. Now to find the defogger setting. I might as well just press every button and turn every knob. Ok, so I just roll the windows down and hit the wipers. Lets roll to the track.
The first classroom session begins. Kyle’s busy taking notes and laying out a spread sheet with the ambient temp, the humidity, and spots for the tire pressures to be recorded throughout the day. I’m trying to pay close attention to the instructor while struggling to keep my head from bobbing, and hitting the table, as I slide in and out of consciousness. I knew I should have worn my helmet.
I now know that the crossed furled white and yellow flags mean “Bambi” is on the track. I thought I would probably figure it out on my own when she comes through the windshield…..
Track session #1.
My instructor climbs in the driver’s seat to take me for a few laps. Shit, this is going to be a lot harder than I thought. My goal of completing a lap sporting the “Detroit Lean” is crushed. I’m far too distracted to remember his name. Oh well.
I’m behind the wheel, stabbing the accelerator and brake pedals like they are on/off switches. Smooth steering? Not so much. If I had a cup of coffee between my legs my instructor would have had the burned crotch. Checkered Flag! We are ALIVE and spend a few minutes working through the myriad of things I’m doing wrong.
Track session #2
Ok, time to start thinking. Hey the stuff he told me actually works! I settle in and start learning the track. A little progress is made and we’re done. My instructor goes through another tutorial and its lunch time.
Track sessions #3 & #4
I get more and more comfortable. I still am very aggressive with the speed, but I’m making the turns better. I’m chasing Kyle around the track. This by no means is successful, but it’s a ball. WAIT! We are done for the day and I realize that I had not waved anyone by all day. No one passed me! Maybe I should check my mirrors a bit more tomorrow?
Day 2
It’s too freaking early, and it’s colder this morning. UGH!
Track sessions #1 and #2
My instructor challenges me to slow down and be smooth. He advises me he is not wearing a Depends undergarment today. What a vote of confidence! I heed his wishes and I’m slow and smooth. I wave Kyle and a few more around. I hate that but I’m learning quickly. We have our post track talk and he says if I want to drive solo, he’d have another instructor ride with me. I decline.
At some point during these sessions Kyle came in hot and blew through a turn and off of the track (safely). I missed it. Dammit!
Track sessions #3 and #4
I’m back to full speed and hitting my apexes much more often. THIS IS A BLAST! I don’t want it to be over! I’m hooked. We pull into pit row the final time. I DIDN’T WRECK THE CAR! My instructor complements my progress and my skills. I done good, I guess.
I need to build another car. I see a divorce in my near future…………..
Colin one of the NJBMWCCA drivers was kind enough to post the video linked here, Kyle (Black M3), David (Red Cayman) & Mike (Silver M3) all wiz by during the course of this 10min segment!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Slapping the enthusiast...
We were shocked, saddened and downright furious to discover that our favourite and most enlightened forum on BMW Motorsport cars – and a whole lots else besides – has been shut down due to pressure from BMW AG and BMW UK.
Apparently, BMW claims was being used for commercial purposes, which is absurd considering the site owners did nothing more than host forums teeming with BWM M enthusiasts, owners, and suppliers of after-market services.
As an owner of an E46 M3, we really are flabbergasted that in this day and age of brands seeking to dialogue with their customers, and a lot of chat about consumers owning the brands they buy from, the fact that a brand like BMW would seek to shut down a forum crawling with its most passionate consumers isn’t insulting, it’s downright suicidal! Why? WHY?!
We cannot count the number of hours spent on this forum, watching the heated debates about styling, performance, modifications, tires, brakes, race tracks, videos and everything else related to the pleasure of being part of the BMW Motorsport community. It’s no exaggeration to state that this forum was the pinnacle of passion for English-language BMW M-owners. And like any pursuit of passion and excellence, it was all-consuming and highly addictive. Why else would we spend €10,000 modifying our trusty steed, if we did not feel we could trust the knowledge contained?
The fury rages, the sadnness engulfs us and we ask for a moment of silence to remember this truly excellent site.
And as for BMW? Game on, you bullies…
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
A BMW inspired by Usain Bolt's trainers
Hats off to BMW. The German car maker smacked the rest of theautomotive world upside its collective head on Tuesday, with a bonkersnew concept car that can worry a BMW M3 in a drag race, challenge aToyota Prius for scanty emissions, and beat Nicole Richie’s newbornchild, Sparrow James Midnight Madden, in a stupidest-name contest.
Behold the BMW Vision EfficientDynamics: A car so progressivethat it actually looks like a pair of Usain Bolt’s Puma training shoes.Its bodywork has an almost exoskeletal appearance, with F1-inspiredbody panels that look as if they’ve had enormous chunks gouged out ofthem for less resistance through the air. It seems to work, too–theVision has a drag coefficient of 0.22, which is the lowest of any BMWcar.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Guitar Hero 3 on Heroes premier
For years we (and others) have been discussing how TV shows get financed in a time-shifted and place-shifted world. If viewers can use TiVo to skip the ads, where does the money come from? If I cut my coax and go with iTunes or Roku or Vudu, is there enough money left to fund HBO, ESPN, CNBC, etc?
Will we really be lost without Lost?
One possible solution is increased product placements à la James Bond. There are literally hundreds of examples to choose from, but a personal favorite of mine is the BMW chase scene in Tomorrow Never Dies:
In the season premier of Heroes, we saw an aggressive move in this direction by NBC. An entire scene is dedicated to Claire and her friends playing Guitar Hero 3. Another scene gets weird: Hiro and Ando are standing in front of cardboard cut-outs of themselves and a giant cardboard smartphone with the Sprint logo emblazoned across the top – an ad within an ad within the TV show.
Look for more of this to come in future episodes of Heroes and other high production value TV.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Red and Blue
Julee’s facebook entry today: (a’la HellaHota)
Wisconsin Plates
375 DBH
I just wanted to take the time to thank you for nearly running me off the road on 35E in Mendota Heights/St. Paul today. “Blue” (my car) has been feeling bored lately so it was a little exciting when you tried to push us off the road into the shoulder and i had to slam on the breaks to avoid hitting you…It’s super fun to go from 70 mpg to almost a near stop. I would have liked to give you a hi-five for the exhilarating ride, but since I was driving and u didn’t wait up for us, I was only able to give you the finger when I passed you.
Its really awesome how you decided to merge into the left lane when we were basically right next to you. I don’t know, maybe your little red corvette had a fatal attraction to my boy “Blue” and just needed to feel his nose against your side and in your rear, but your sexual advances are not welcome. “Blue” doesn’t appreciate being almost side-swiped and having his nose smashed in.
I helped “Blue” express his displeasure by laying on the horn and giving you the finger, but what was really amazing is that when we pulled up next to you, you couldn’t even look at me. I guess you must have a neck injury and are unable to look to your left. A famous model named Derek Zoolander also battled the same condition, but he eventually found a cure for it and I hope you do too.
I could tell you were avoiding driving next to me/around me, bc after I passed you I could see a long line of traffic gathering behind you…My guess is that it was because you were too much of a bitch to speed up in that sports car of yours. In MN, when the speed limit says 55 mph, most people abide by that and go at least 55 mph or faster. It may be unconventional, but I’ve heard that it tends to piss people off when you only go 40 mph on the freeway.
Anyhoo, I’m tired. I just wanted to write you a formal thank you for making my day interesting. Goodnight and I hope you seek some physical therapy and/or chiropractor to help you with your inability to look left.
julee & “Blue”
Is hanging out to dry too good for ING Team Renault?
Fancy going along to a public execution? There’s one about to happen at Place de la Concorde in central Paris today. It’s been a bit quiet for 200 years, now that the Terror and the French Revolution are dead and buried. But Formula One is bringing back the time-honoured custom for one day only. Its presiding body, the FIA (based in Place de la Concorde), will be judge and jury and it is Team Renault that will be hung out to dry.
Renault, it will be recalled, is at the centre of probably the worst example of sports chicanery ever exposed – which is saying quite something where Formula One and its track-record of multiple scandals is concerned. Briefly, Renault has admitted it manipulated the outcome of a Grand Prix race by causing one of its drivers, Nelson Piquet Jnr, to crash his vehicle in order that team mate Fernando Alonso might win the race. Team Renault supremo Flavio Briatore, the principal conspirator, has already got the chop, as has his number two, Pat Symonds, director of engineering. Now all we are waiting to find out is whether Renault will receive a crippling fine (well over the last ceiling of $100m) or actually be banned from the circuit.
Some might argue that whatever is decided today by the hanging jury, it won’t be enough. After all Briatore & Co were knowingly risking the lives not only of their own driver but those of others on the track. Shouldn’t criminal charges also be in the offing?
Whichever way you look at it, Crashgate could not have come at a worse time. The horrendously expensive sport is strapped for cash as never before. It is already struggling to fill the grid now that the likes of BMW have withdrawn. With Renault out, or at very least its reputation irredeemably damaged, who else is going to bother pouring billions of dollars into this discredited sport?
Come to think of it, current sponsors must be feeling pretty sick, and none one more so than ING, the financial services conglomerate whose moniker presently prefixes the name of Team Renault in all the headlines.
Now what was the logic of ING’s unconscionably large financial involvement again? Ah yes, I have ING’s then ceo, Michel Tilmant, on the record on June 27, 2007 – just after he first signed his company up. Here are some extracts:
“We believe our brand recognition does not quite match the scope and size of our business…We believe Formula One can help raise ING’s brand awareness, and ensure that we are known as one of the leading global financial institutions. …We see our F1 sponsorship as complementary to our other sponsorship, but very much in the lead to position our business globally.”
Apparently, Tilmant and his top team “conducted extensive research” into which sports would best offer ING a global audience, including “football, the Olympics and tennis amongst others” but ”F1 was the best choice. It offered an unrivalled blend of a large global audience, with a profile that closely matched the needs of our business.”
Sounds as if you made the wrong call, mate. You should have stuck to boring old tennis or the Olympics. At least they are fairly clean.
As it happens, we can see an unflattering similarity between high-rolling finance and F1 all too clearly – but not in the way Tilmant will have intended when he signed away all those shareholders dividends on the deal. Let’s have a look at that parallel a little more closely. Both communities, banking and top motor racing, suffer from a surfeit of testosterone and are suicidally competitive – which makes them “reckless” with the rules when they think they can get away with it. Both are ludicrously overpaid for what they do – in the highest echelons that is – and are adept at finding new ways of enriching themselves whatever the collateral cost. Both are bloated and have a dubious ’social utility’ (to use FSA chief Lord Turner’s phrase).
Any other parallels I may have forgotten? Probably.
Gad z sercem bawarczyka
Wiesmann, producent luksusowych samochodów sportowych zaprezentował na 63. Międzynarodowych Targach Motoryzacyjnych we Frankfurcie Wiesmanna Roadster MF5. Jest to limitowana seria 55 aut, które zostały wyposażone w silnik znany chociażby z BMW M5. Ten ekskluzywny mały roadster przyspiesza do stu kilometrów na godzinę w czasie 3,9s a maksymalnie osiągnie 310 kilometrów na godzinę. Niech ten retro wygląd was nie zmyli pod tym małym aluminiowym nadwoziem kryje się wyrafinowana technika pozwalająca okiełznać tego “gekona” po sterydach. Jak wiadomo auta opuszczające tą małą manufakturę budowane są ręcznie ale nie są bynajmniej archaiczne. W najnowszym modelu tylny spoiler został tak zaprojektowany by zapewniał stabilność tyłu auta przy każdej prędkości. Kierowca który zasiądzie za sterami tego roadstera z ” krwi i kości ” będzie mógł liczyć także na ABS, DSC, poduszki powietrzne oraz wiele innych systemów które zapewnią mu bezpieczeństwo. Cóż tylko ustawić się w kolejce po ten nietuzinkowy samochód.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Recent encounters (a first post).
I think writing about what I’ve been up to recently would make a nice ice-breaker.
My blogs name, The Ultimate Racing Machine: I love horse-riding and we have 4 Thoroughbred stallions at my university. Thoroughbreds were bred for stamina and speed, ultimately evolving them into “The Ultimate Racing Machine”. I also love cars, especially fast, premium models (BMW) and my blog’s name also rhymes with their punch-line: “Ultimate Driving Machine” (though they’ve changed it).
I read Micheal Pollan’s “A Place Of My Own”. The story of a little hut’s life, as it gets built by a writer, all with the help of a local contractor/carpenter Joe and his architect friend, Charlie. A really good read.
My little sister brought a copy for me. That’s how I got my hands on the book. Some of my favourite quotes from the book:
- [on "why Mike wants the hut, a separate building, in his backyard] “It might be that I wished for a place that stood a little apart from this life of mine, but only to get a better view”.
- [why architects/engineers have a 90-degree fetish] “They don’t catch dust, rain doesn’t sit on them, easy to add to, gravity rather than tension holds them in place. It’s easy to build in new counters, shelves or to arrange furniture, bathtubs and beds. We are 90 degrees to the earth”.
- [a new phrase I read here first] “Too hip to be square”.
- [why wood is such a common choice] “There was optimism in wood”.
I’d love to be able to stop right here, but there are just a few more things I’d like to include, continuing the list above:
- [Mike gets excited that he is learning quite well, Joe tells him] “Careful, a guy could get hurt patting himself on the back like that”.
- [About roof leaks in architects' designs] “That’s what happens when you leave a work o art in rain”.
I’ll be posting more on: horses, CAD, translation, awesome things I come across online, my “wants and needs”, Istanbul, relationships and religion.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Review - 2009 Audi A5 3.2 quattro
The Good: Playful chassis, movie-star looks, surprisingly versatile.
The Bad: Needs more power, S5 only a few grand more expensive.
The Verdict: About 100 horses shy of being a great sports coupe.
Just like people, some cars are destined to stand in the shadows of their siblings. The Porsche Cayman may be considered by many to be the superior driver’s car, but the 911 will always be the car that stirs the hearts of 12-year-olds of all ages.
Likewise, the Audi A5 is doomed to sit one row behind its brother, the S5. Rocking a 354-horsepower V8 and aggressive bodywork, the S5 is a sinfully lustful piece of machinery, capable of dropping jaws and seducing women with a glimpse.
And then there’s the (barely) more prosaic A5, waving, “Hey, I’m cool too! What about me?”
To be sure, without an S5 nearby for comparison, the A5 will suck in gold-digging women and midlife-crisis-afflicted men for blocks around. With its long hood, taut lines, narrow headlights and wide grill, there’s a predatory mien to the A5, as if it fuels itself by stalking the streets at night, hunting for unlucky deer and pedestrians.
The car is so good-looking my tester’s black paint job seemed detrimental, hiding the car’s creases and blurring its crisp lines. Anyone purchasing an A5 ought to consider something a little more vivid. I mean, you’re not buying this car to blend in.
Anyone with experience sitting in an Audi (or frequent readers of this blog, for that matter) won’t be surprised to hear the interior continues the stylish trend set by the sheetmetal. Controls and materials are Audi standard – which is to say, top of the class. The interior is a feast for the senses, and controls fall easily to hand. The only variations from the Audi status quo are the sport seats partially upholstered in Alcantara (fake suede) that came along with the sporty S-line package.
Those seats lived up to their name, proving supportive while I wound the car through the twists and turns of north central New Jersey. Highway slogs, however, weren’t quite as ideal in the chairs; while comfortable at first, a not-quite-pleasant case of numb butt seemed to creep in sooner than one would like. Still, given they were designed more for spirited driving than cross-country expeditions, it’s a minor complaint.
The rear seats, however, proved another story. I’ve always been of the view that people ought to only buy as much car as they’ll need most of the time – that is, if you usually only drive around with one passenger or by yourself, you should get a coupe, not an SUV or sedan. But the backseat of the A5 was…well, let’s just call it inconvenient. It proved quite suitable as a parcel shelf, helping me and my girlfriend move most of her possessions from one apartment to another across Manhattan; however, any living creatures you want to put back there had better either weigh less than 100 pounds or lack limbs. Even large anacondas and Mini Me-sized amputees will probably want out of there before too long, as the scarcity of headroom and lack of view makes for a claustrophobic ride.
But stick to the front seats – especially the one on the left – and the A5 makes for a pretty thrilling ride. It only takes a couple of turns to realize this is a true sports coupe – not a luxury sedan given a stylish makeover, but a two-door car aimed at people who love to drive.
Toss the Audi into a curve, and it claws its way around the bend with glee. Body roll is minimal, and the suspension doesn’t give in easily. This car wants to play, wants to dance around slower vehicles and through weaving two-lanes. As in the best cars, when you’re driving the A5, those yellow “winding road” signs are less a warning and more an invitation.
And, lo, what’s this sprouting from between the seats? Why – it’s a stick shift! Praise the Lord and pass the gasoline! Yes, while the A5 can be had with the six-speed automatic common to nearly every Audi, my tester came with a six-speed manual with a baseball-sized shift knob that fell right into the palm of my right hand. While shifts aren’t quite as crisp as those of BMWs or Hondas – who tend to set the standard for pleasant shift feel – it’s still a joy to use, and further indicates the Audi’s goal of being perceived as a sports coupe, rather than a two-door luxury car.
Paradoxically, though, choosing the manual also forces you to deal with a frustrating indicator under the speedometer telling you to upshift. As if its existence alone weren’t bad enough, the light often starts blinking ridiculously early – often telling me to shift up to the next gear at a mere 1800 rpm. Clearly, it’s designed to maximize fuel economy – but follow its guidance, and you’ll find yourself frequently outaccelerated by passing scooters. Razor, not Vespa.
(Devastatingly, though, as of the 2010 model year, Audi no longer offers the six-speed stick on V6-motivated A5s. You might be able to find some new ‘09s still on dealer lots if you look, but finding them might be hard, given the American preference for slushboxes. However, Audi now offers their torquey 2.0 liter turbocharged I4 in the A5, and it’s still available with a manual.)
Unfortunately, even winding the most out of the A5’s 3.2 liter V6 won’t result in earth-shattering acceleration. Five years ago, 265 horsepower would have put the Audi at the top of its class; these days, however, it just can’t hold its own against engines like BMW’s silky smooth 300 horsepower twin-turbo inline six or Infiniti’s snorty 330 horsepower V6. And given that the S5 starts at $1,490 less than my tester, the A5’s place in the lineup becomes a little unclear.
Still, my loaded model was strapped down with nearly 14 grand in options, which cost-conscious customers could consider chopping (alliteration five!). The S-line package (including sport suspension, tires and the aforementioned sport seats) is probably worth the $2,900 if you’re a performance driver; it also makes the $2,950 adjustable suspension seem somewhat redundant.
Likewise, the technology package ($2,200 for a rear parking camera and sonar, turning headlights, a blind-sport warning system and keyless entry) and the rockin’ Bang & olufsen sound system ($850) seem worth the money for a choice ride like this; however, I for one could do without the $1,900 premium package (though it does include those badass LED daytime running lights) and the navigation system (handy, but not worth $2,390 – not when a top-of-the-line Garmin GPS system costs $500).
The Bottom Line: The Audi A5 is an honest sports coupe – a two-door vehicle bigger than a real sports car, but still capable of handling itself with as much glee as Fox’s Wednesday night lineup. Sadly, though, there’s little to distinguish it from its faster, sexier sibling, the S5, beyond a smaller engine.
The A4 and S4 sedan manage to stand apart because of their more utilitarian nature; there are plenty of people out there who want a capable luxury sedan, but don’t crave driving the way David Duchovny does poontang. Coupe buyers, though – especially ones looking at performance-oriented ones like the A5 – are more likely to be interested in the extra grunt of its V8-powered sibling.
But if you can’t stretch to the S5 and are forced to make do with the A5, you probably won’t regret it. After all, they say it’s better to drive slow cars fast than fast cars slow. And that way, you give the bystanders more time to stare.
Base Price/Price As Tested: $40,700/$54,715
0-60: 5.8 seconds (courtesy Car and Driver)
Fuel Economy: 16 city/27 highway (EPA estimates)
Key Competitors: BMW 3-series coupe, Infiniti G37 Coupe, Audi S5.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
L'auto del futuro
L’auto del futuro consuma poco, dura nel tempo e si presta all’uso cittadino.
Non serve aspettarla.
Ci sono perle automobilistiche che per i più sono ormai dimenticate, e che tuttavia hanno una loro personalissima storia fatta di successi. E in quanto al “durare nel tempo”, fatti, solo fatti.
ISO Isetta: chi si ricorda di questa meravigliosa vettura prodotta negli anni ‘50?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
journal des sports
N’am adunat prea multe ore de somn noaptea trecuta, din cauza finalei de la US Open. O finala minunata, in care antipaticul de Roger a pierdut in fata unei sperante mai interesante decat Murray, argentinianul Del Potro. O sa dea foarte bine la cv sa castige primul mare slem tocmai in fata lui Federer. Cum ar spune cei de la ITV, the first of many for JMP. Pentru mine ramane acea satisfactie deosebita cand il vad pe Fed invins. El si Real, sa tot piarda. Chiar asa, poate face Zurich o surpriza?
Pe de alta parte, o partida minunata de fotbal pe nocturna, cu zgomotul tribunelor de la Poli pe fundal. O buna demonstratie a teoriei aceleia cu “fiecare joaca mai bine cand echipa joaca bine”. S’a vazut si nivelul de incredere al fiecaruia, dar si responsabilitatea benefica de a nu fi mai prejos decat colegii, de a nu iti bate joc printr’o mutare stupida de eforturile lor. Demult n’am mai jucat un meci atat de competitiv. Ah, si demult n’am mai jucat contra unor adversari de culoare care sa nu fie tigani, ci chiar all blacks. Au un stil ciudat de a juca, foarte mobil, destul de tehnic, dar imprecis. Si ma incurca prin indicatiile pe care si le dau in limbi ciudate.
Putina F1 la final. Dupa 16 ani de absenta, va reveni legendara echipa Lotus. Ce frumos ar fi sa lege un nou parteneriat cu John Player Special si sa’l ia pe Bruno. Vive la memoire de Colin Chapman. Pragmatic vorbind, avem Lotus in loc de BMW (in sfarsit o echipa cu nume, nu ca Manor, US si Campos) dar… ce vom avea in loc de Renault? Sper sa ii loveasca fulgerul pe 23 septembrie si sa se retraga, cu obrazul crapat de rusine. N’am sa plang nici dupa Toyota, desigur. Iar Mclaren daca ajung sa dea bani pe motoare Mercedes, doar din cauza incapatanarii lui Dennis/Ojjeh de a pastra pachetul majoritar, ar fi inceputul sfarsitului. Din nou, a pleasure to watch.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Have superbikes become to focused?
Good lord who decided that all sportbike riders are 5 feet tall and have the hands of a small girl? When I first came on the sportbike scene it was the early 80s and it took a real man to wrestle the likes of a Suzuki GS 1100 or a Kawasaki KZ series around, it was big, comfortable and powerful. The new sportbikes lack no power but could someone please alert the manufacturers that we arent 13 year old female gymnasts.
One of the few current sportbike makers who seems to understand this is BMW, their bikes are sized for us full grown men. The HP2, the K1300 and the SS1000RR all have larger seats, easier reaches to the grips and better riding positions. As such they win most shootouts when it comes to comfort and increasingly they are winning shootouts based on power as well. As wonderful as BMW is it currently isnt a MAJOR player in the sport bike world but this will change I guarantee it.
The Ducatis, Suzukis, Kawasakis, Hondas etc etc that would be classified as superbikes are frankly UNCOMFORTABLE….I’m not talking a little bit here, I’m talking unbearable for more that 50 miles or so. The new Suzuki GSXR 1ooo is a bit better in this respect and to hand it to Suzuki they might be figuring this out. You can make a superbike and it can be sporty but I shouldnt need to be contortionists to fit on it. As an example of a good sportsbike that fit big guys see the early GSXRs, Im questing for one right now but when I sit on it I fit it.
And this is exactly what is driving people to the new GT bikes, the naked bikes and the “tourers”. My wrists shouldnt ache after 5o miles, believe me I would LOVE a Ducati 1198S but Im 6 foot 4 and built like a lineman, My wrists would snap. So what could the makers do? well how about offering different, optional handlebars for people on their bikes. They could be taller, and slightly pulled back so that I dont have to smash my foreheads on the tank to grab the handlebars. Raise the seats, why has their been a mad rush to see who’s seat can be at 20 inches above the ground? finally lower the freaking pegs, My knees shouldnt smack my wrists.
But please please guys quit building bikes for midgets, the world is getting bigger, people arent jockeys any more.
Friday, September 11, 2009
MG Rover Report - Is it Right to Clear the Government?
The government’s report into the collapse of MG Rover has just been published. After four years and a cost of £16M, the report tells us little we didn’t already know.
It’s worth looking at a bit of the history of MG Rover.
In 2000, BMW decided to sell Rover. Their preferred buyer was Alchemy Partners, a venture capital company, which planned to turn the company into a niche sports car manufacturer. The plans were credible, and if successful, would have secured the jobs of potentially thousands of the workers at the Longbridge plant in Birmingham. However, the plans did involve several thousand immediate redundancies.
A group of local businessmen founded the Phoenix Consortium to bid for the company. MG Rover had lost billions of pounds over the preceding years. BMW had some of the best management in the automotive industry, with access to massive capital resources, and had not been able to turn MG Rover around. But the Phoenix men did not make clear what major changes they would make that would ensure the company moved into profit.
However, they were promising to retain thousands more workers than Alchemy. For this reason, the government and the trade unions both pushed the deal hard.
In due course, BMW duly sold the company to Phoenix. The price was a token £10, with BMW providing a £400M soft loan to help finance the new business.
The new company burned through cash in the subsequent years, and was unable to find a profitable business formula. It collapsed in 2005 with debts of £1 billion.
The government’s report concentrates on the management of MG Rover over those years, and on the period of the collapse itself. The government should not be blamed for that collapse. After all, the viability of the company had been called into question from the very start, by Jon Moulton of Alchemy, by the media, and by the Conservative opposition.
Therefore the report unsurprisingly makes little criticism of the government. The Phoenix Four called the report a “whitewash” and claimed the real reason for the company’s collapse was that “the government bungled the last chance to save MG Rover”. It is not clear why they believe the collapse was the government’s fault. Lord Mandelson has promised to start proceedings to disqualify the Phoenix directors from being company directors in the future.
However, while the government in my view should not be blamed for the company’s eventual collapse, they certainly played their part in setting it up in the first place. At the time that was but the latest sorry chapter in State interference in the UK motor industry.
The real issue is not whether the Phoenix directors did anything immoral, nor whether the government should have done more to save the company in the end. The real issue is why, in 2000 when MG Rover was created, short term political opportunism was allowed to get in the way of sound commercial judgement, and why the government thought it knew better than the private sector what was the best way to ensure a viable future for the workers of Longbridge.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
iste araba bu Sowas nenn ich ne auto
Doppel kompressor von G-Power
Bmw M5 Hurricane G-Power mit doppel kompressor 730ps und schnellste straßenzugelassene bmw allerzeiten wurde zuletzt mit 320 km/h von polizei aufgehalten
Bmw M5 Hurricane G-Power cift kompresörlü 730 beygir ve simdiye kadar yola cikan en hizli bmw en son 320 km/h ile polis tarafindan durduruldu ve tabiiki bu arabaninda ufak bi fiyati var tam olarak 240000 euro ve ilk alan kisi arabistandan bi araba koleksiyoncusu
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
New BMW Z4 Coming to India in October
BMW Z4 two-seater roadster will be launched in India this October. Moreover, the company is likely to launch three more new cars for the growing Indian car market. The new BMW Z4 sports features like retractable hard top and sDrive technology for better driving experience. The new Z4 sports car comes with a 3-litre diesel engine and was launched in Europe in December 2008. Performance parameters include a top speed of 250 kph and a 0-100 kph rev-up in 5.8 seconds.
“The Z4 will hit the roads in early October and it will be priced in the range of Rs 50-60 lakh. We hope to sell at least 30-40 units of the car in the first year,” said BMW India president Peter Kronschanabl. He expects the car to be a brand shaper for the company. “We have sold over 2,200 units during the January-August period this year. Our plan is to cross the mark of over 3,000 in sales by end of the year and this will be mostly on account of the 3 and 5 series,” he said. BMW India had registered sales of 2,908 units in 2008.
There are no confirmed reports about the variants of the car coming to India. However, the expected models may be from 2.5 litre 201bhp sDrive23i, and the 3.0 litre sDrive30i and sDrive35i, all of which come with in-line six-cylinder.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Το Thermaltake Level 10 chassis θα κάνει το ντεμπούτο του τον Οκτώβριο
Σχεδιασμένο από την Thermaltake σε συνεργασία με την BMW Group DesignWorks USA, το Level 10 Extreme Gaming Station έκανε πολλά κεφάλια να γυρίσουν προς το μέρος του σε πολλές εκθέσεις και κέρδισε το IDEA®2009 Bronze Award αλλά δυστυχώς ακόμα, έξι μήνες μετά από την πρώτη του παρουσίαση, δεν έχει γίνει διαθέσιμο για αγορά αλλά η Thermaltake μόλις ανακοίνωσε πως αυτό θα γίνει τον Οκτώβριο.[next]