Saturday, October 31, 2009

BMW Encouraging Graffiti

The Facebook Graffiti application is a free program available to users through Facebook. The users are able to draw or “paint” on the simply designed program and share their artistic creations with the Facebook community. It seems cool, but how does it relate to the automotive industry?

BMW took the Graffiti program under its wing in order to promote the new BMW 1 Series with the BMW Graffiti Car Contest.  BMW encouraged users to create a masterpiece using a provided outline of the BMW 1 series, basing their creations on “Career,” “Design,” “Digital Culture” and “Destination.“

As creations were submitted, other users were able to comment and rate the projects. BMW Judges selected the best submissions from the highest rated content. The top 5 creators won BMW Art Car models by artists such as Andy Warhol, while the 1st prize winner gets a $100 gift card to Amazon. Personally, I feel that the rewards are weak, and BMW should have shelled out more money for the campaign rewards.

BMW used this application in order to reach their target audience, which are 30-something-year-olds who are “up-and-comers” in their careers. The 1-Series, which is smaller and cheaper ($28,600) than traditional BMWs, is marketed to this younger audience as BMW attempts to gain new customers. The company believes this audience is technically savvy and will not only enjoy the application, but will spread the word to their friends. The campaign not only invites participation and a positive user experience, it is also a fun and creative means of communication for BMW.

BMW relied on Facebook’s viral marketing abilities to spread the campaign. The campaign was an instant success. There were over 9000 submissions in the first 7 days. Sales increased over 12% during the 3 month campaign, and the campaign itself was widely complimented through the blogosphere, even claimed by some as the best campaign in the industy. Their engaging style of advertising in uninvasive and actually entertaining, which are some of the recipes of today’s advertising success.

F1: Abu Dhabi Saturday Qualifying 2009 Live Blog

Here is my fav Team FORCE INDIA

Nico to Brawn for 2010 Woop Woop and Rubens to Williams

Williams Feature

Toro Rosso feature

Drivers love this circuit

32 minutes until quail

Abu Dhabi Preview laps feature love it – Mark and David

Silverstone deal comming soon hopefully

Sutil and Truill still keeping up the cat fight

Kimi had fuel in his eye in brazil

Expect the 2009 WDC to be with brawn next year

Save the British GP – Silverstone 2010

BBC F1 Coverage is Go Go Go

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Harvard Magazine Personal Ads: You Complete Me ( )

When you graduate from Harvard, you’re automatically put on the distribution list for Harvard Magazine, a monthly publication full of big words and BMW spreads.  Each month, I eagerly await my issue.  When I finally get it in the mail, I go straight to the classifieds, to the land of people who love Mozart, clam bakes, and “the outdoors.”  There is truly nothing more entertaining than reading Harvard personals.

Every personal ad in Harvard Mag starts out the same.  It’s almost always a woman, over 40, who is “sensual” and “witty.”  I imagine that prior to placing this ad, she’s endured several blind dates, countless eHarmony mismatches, and more than a few country club flings.

In this month’s issue (Nov-Dec), there were 25 personal ads.

  • 21 of the 25 ads were taken out by women looking for men (only 1 was for a man looking for a woman… the 3 others were dating service ads)
  • 3 of the women were CEOs or CFOs
  • 5 ads mentioned France or something French… examples of appropriate shout-outs: joie de vive, coq au vin, Musée de Orsay
  • Hobbies that received multiple mentions: traveling, skiing, photography, Maine, birdwatching, and biscuits

I don’t know why I get so much pleasure from reading the mini-resumes of the old and lonely.  Perhaps I’m seeing my future… I have to pick up tips on how to write my own personal ad, twenty years from now.

So, how will it go?  Here are some lines I liked from this month’s magazine:

  • “Feel like an unpaired electron?” … I do!  All the time.  And you do too?  Well… isn’t that ionic?
  • “Extremely cute… dark alluring eyes hint at mystery and reveal quick intelligence and happy surprises.” …This is the first woman who likes biscuits.  She also describes herself as “slender”.  Are you happily surprised?
  • “Magic ability to playfully enjoy humor.” …This is the second woman who likes biscuits.  She would like my “ionic” joke.  Blame it on magic.
  • “Looking forward to meeting personable man (59-73)” … Apparently, 74 is just too old.  And unless she has a strange aversion to numbers 58 and below, I’m guessing that she is 59 years old.  She ain’t no cradle robber.
  • “Great legs.  Classy, approachable, adventurous… can catch 75lb sailfish.” … Sailfish are the fastest fish in the world (I learned this from “Fun Fish Facts” in a D’Angelos kids meal), so she must have nice legs to catch one of those bad boys.
  • “Warm, classy, intellectual not dry or stuffy, just the real deal.” …Tell it like it is, homegirl.

So, with these cues in mind, here is my own Harvard Magazine personal ad.  I made it rhyme, just because it shows off my magic ability to playfully enjoy humor:

Are you an open parenthesis?  Have you always been looking for someone to complete your thoughts?  Complete your life? Well, I can turn your parenthesis into parentheses / I can turn your “me” into “us” and your “I” into “we” /  I am sexy and sensual and very classy / I like opera and Shakespeare and good duck confit (there’s my something French) / I look forward to meeting a man who can try / To love me and look me right straight in the eye / And tell me my legs are the best he has seen / Then feed me some biscuits all covered in cream / And though he must be over 18 in age / I don’t mind an old geezer as long as he pays… / …attention to me–and that’s all that I care / If he’s jobless or homeless or bald without hair / As long as I know that he really wants me / I just want to complete my parentheses, please.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

2009 Hartge BMW X5 xDrive35d


2009 Hartge BMW X5 xDrive35d



Hartge Hartge “>onthuld hun nieuwste aerodynamica kit voor de BMW X5 X5 “>xDrive35d. De Hartge BMW X5 xDrive35d is voorzien van een voorspoiler, de diffuser-achtige achterzijde rok en de twee-deel dorpels in PUR-RIM vormen een harmonieus ensemble dat, uiteraard, komt met een ABE homologatie. De Hartge BMW X5 xDrive35d wordt geleverd met een sport veer set met niveau controlesysteem voor de achteras, die het voertuig verlaagt tot 30 mm.




De Hartge BMW X5 xDrive35d indruk wordt onderstreept door de set van ‘Brilliant CLASSIC 2 “wielen. Deze 22 inch velgen voor ultra-brede banden – 295/30 ZR 22 vooraan en 335/25 ZR 22 aan de achterzijde – zijn de ideale match voor de sportieve vierwielaangedreven auto met passende Hartge emblemen. Details zoals koolstof omhulsels voor de buitenspiegels en roestvrij stalen staart stukken met ovale buizen staart die kan worden aangesloten op het standaard uitlaatsysteem onderstrepen het sportieve karakter van de auto.

De Hartge BMW X5 xDrive35d aangedreven door een 3-liter dieselmotor produceert 328 pk (241 kW) bij 4400 tpm. Met een dergelijk krachtig kerncentrale, de X5 van Hartge xDrive35d hoeft slechts 6,1 seconden voor de staande start tot 100 km / h, dat wil zeggen, beduidend sneller dan de X5-serie, die zeven seconden duurt. Het extra vermogen wordt ook weerspiegeld door een hogere topsnelheid, die stijgt 235 tot 244 km / h.

De Hartge BMW X5 xDrive35d kosten voor een totaalbedrag van € 87,277.47 (incl. 19% BTW).




Sunday, October 25, 2009

BMW @ IAA Frankfurt 2009

Huhujen mukaan BMW:n messuosasto Frankfurtin IAA –automessuilla olisi maksanut noin 20 miljoonaa euroa. BMW –konsernilla oli kokonaan oma messuhalli, jossa oli BMW:n, Minin ja Rolls Roycen osastot. Vaihdelaatikon kaksihenkinen raati valitsi BMW:n osaston ehdottomasti messujen innovatiivisimmaksi ja näin ollen parhaaksi osastoksi koko messuilla (eikä valintaan vaikuttanut se, että molemmat raatilaiset ajavat BMW:llä). Messukävijät hämmästyivät tullessaan sisälle BMW:n osastolle, sillä osaston yläkerrassa ajettiin autoilla! BMW oli rakentanut osastolleen rampit, joissa messuhenkilökunta ajoi autoilla osastoa ympäri. Yleisöä varten oli rakennettu portaittain nouseva katsomo, jossa ohi ajavia autoja sai ihastella. Osaston multimedia –show oli älyttömän hienosti tehty. Koko osaston värimaailma (seiniä peittävät led-näytöt/paneelit) muuttui teemoittain riippuen ohi ajavista automalleista. Esimerkiksi 5-sarjan Gran Turismon multimedia –esityksen teemana oli sininen taivas ja heinäpelto. Kun GT ajoi katsomon ohi, heiluivat isolla valkokankaalla heinät pellossa tuulen vireen saattelemana, aivan kuin auto olisi ajanut luonnossa heinäpellon ohi. Mieleen jäi mahtava show, joka kuvasti BMW:n innovatiivista ajattelua.

Kuvassa näkyy noin puolet BMW:n messuosastosta. Toisen kerroksen ajoramppi oli hieno oivallus esitellä uutuusmalleja.

Suurimman huomion BMW:llä sai 5-sarjan Gran Turismon ensiesittely. Gran Turismo on BMW:n vastaus Mercedes-Benz CLS:n aloittamalle segmentille neliovisista suurista coupeista, johon kuuluu myös esim. Volkswagen Passat CC. BMW:n 5-sarjan GT on massiivisen kokoinen auto, joka ei ole niin matala ja virtaviivainen kuin Mercedeksen ja VW:n kilpailijat. Auton kohderyhmänä tulevat olemaan kuluttajat, joilla olisi varaa ostaa 7-sarjan BMW, mutta eivät halua näyttää varallisuuttaan naapureilleen niin näkyvästi ja täten päätyvät 5-sarjalaiseen… GT:n hinnat alkavat Suomessa (sis.autoveron) 75 398,08 eurosta ylöspäin, eli kyseessä on edustusluokan auto. Ihastuin autoon heti kättelyssä. Pieniä hienoja yksityiskohtia autossa ovat ikkunaraamittomat ovet, black panel –näyttö keskikonsolissa sekä takapenkin selkänojan säätömahdollisuus. Aion pyytää BMW 530d Gran Turismon koeajoon BMW:ltä, joten luvassa on koeajoraportti.

Uutuusmallit ajoivat ajorampilta yleisön eteen pyörivälle alustalle ihailtaviksi. Kuvassa BMW 5-sarjan Gran Turismo.

BMW 5-sarjan Gran Turismo pyöri jalustalla yleisön edessä kuin supermalli catwalkilla.

BMW 5-sarjan Gran Turismo kiinnosti messukävijöitä ja jos autoon halusi istumaan, piti sitä varten jonottaa hetki. Jokaisen auton vierustalla oli BMW:n asiantuntija (tuotepäällikkö tms.) vastailemassa vierailijoiden kysymyksiin.

Muita mainitsemisen arvoisia uutuuksia oli BMW X1 –katumaasturi ja BMW 320d Efficient Dynamics. BMW X1 –mallia tullaan valmistamaan taka- ja nelivetoisena. Auto on ulkomitoiltaan hieman kasvatettu ja korotettu 1-sarjalainen. Auton tavaratila ei ole kuin hitusen suurempi tavalliseen 1-sarjaan verrattuna. Lisäksi tavaratilan hattuhylly ja viisto takalasi tekevät sen, että tavaratila tuntuu pieneltä. Henkilökohtaisesti en pidä BMW:n suosimista mustista muovipaneeleista X-sarjan katumaastureissaan. Lisäksi X1:sen pyöränkotelot ovat niin suuret, että auto näyttää vakio 17-tuumaisella rengastuksella aika mopolta. Sisätiloissa on mukavan avara tunnelma, sillä ohjaamo on avaran ja valoisan tuntuinen. Kojelaudan design on onnistunut ja materiaalivalinnat tuntuivat laadukkailta. BMW 320d Efficient Dynamics on BMW:n ekomalli. Auton moottorina toimii 2,0 litran turbodiesel, josta on vakiomalliin (177hv, 5,8l/100km, 150g/km CO2) verrattuna pudotettu tehoa (163hv), jotta ollaan päästy niinkin hyviin lukemiin kuin 4,1 litran keskikulutus ja 109g/km hiilidioksidipäästöt. Malli tulee myyntiin Saksassa maaliskuussa 2010. Uskoisin mallin tulevan myyntiin myös Suomessa kesään 2010 mennessä. BMW 320d Efficient Dynamics –malli on todella mielenkiintoinen vihreytensä ja sporttisuuden säilyttämisen ansiosta. Juuri tällaisilla autoilla BMW rakentaa edelläkävijänsä mainetta.

BMW X1 -katumaasturi ajamassa yleisön ohi ajorampilla. X1:n multimedia -esityksen teemana oli Alpit ja sporttisuus.

BMW 320d Efficient Dynamics -mallin keskikulutus on vain 4,1 litraa ja hiilidioksidipäästöt 109g/km.

BMW Vision Efficient Dynamics -konseptiauto enteilee tulevaisuuden urheiluautoja, jotka voivat olla ekologisia hybridejä.

Yksi osoitus BMW:n innovatiivisesta ajattelutavasta oli alumiinivanteiden esittelyseinä, jossa renkaat pyörivät ja pysähtyivät välillä. Huomaa vanteissa musta muotiväri.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

BMW lança 320i por R$ 109.500

A BMW iniciou as vendas de uma nova versão para o sedã Série 3. O modelo passa a contar com a opção 32oi no mercado nacional, com preços partindo de R$ 109.500. Ele perde alguns itens com relação aos irmãos mais caros, mas chega mais em conta. Assim, torna-se a segunda versão mais acessível da empresa no Brasil, atrás apenas do 118i.

De série, o 320i sai com motor 2.0 de 136 cv e transmissão automática sequencial Steptronic, com seis velocidades. O propulsor garante aceleração de 0 a 100 km/h em 10,5 segundos e máxima de 204 km/h. A nova opção perde o teto solar, os faróis de xenônio e o sensor de estacionamento. Foram mantidos, porém, os freios antitravamento (ABS) com distribuição eletrônica de frenagem (EBD), o controle de tração (DTC) e os airbags frontais e laterais.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Group Alfa and it's barking

“Under that deal, Canadian car-parts maker Magna along with Russian truckmaker GAZ and Russian bank Sberbank were to acquire more than 50 percent in Opel.

Opel’s parent company General Motors has received interest from two other suitors — China’s Beijing Automotive Industry Company and RHJ International, a Belgium-based investment group.” General Motors my own inheritance from my own grandfather.

Opel – Headquarters Rüsselsheim, Germany. The new baked owner of that Opel appropiated the firm plus Schloss( Ludwig) Falkenstein near Neuschwanstein. Castle Falkenstein twins of that Germany Castle in USA, Austin, Texas.

(Christian Janks’ first design, 1883)

Main office of company Mercedes- in Stuttgart , Lichtenstein Castle, Burg Hohenzollern. Near Stuttgart. My own inheritance from my own grandfather and my own grandmother. Appropriating by Pavel Lobov ( Surkov) with Larisa Ginko- Surkova- faced as Hillary Clinton in USA.

Compagnie Financière Richemont SA – in Milan, Zeneva, Paris, UK , Hong Kong, Montblanc- design company Chloe – they stoled my own pictures in Vilnius and making the dresses , made a foto’s and published in Polish Playboy – they show for me that magazine in the train( railroad car).

Hellgrundweg 100
22525 Hamburg

Chloé is distributed through a network of boutiques in major cities (Paris,London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Las Vegas, New York, Dubai, Spain,Kuwait, Manila) and in major resorts (Marbella, Monaco). The products are also available in selected independent luxury boutiques and in some airports’ duty-free areas.

Chloé’s headquarters is on Avenue Percier in Paris. The regional offices are in New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Dubai. Humburg – connections with Chicago from 1994. Osaka Japan, St. Petersburg, Marseile, France, Drezden”

“MEXX – stoled my own pictures too – from the same notebook and with the same way show for me the dresses in magazine Playboy. The main office in Netherlands , Holland, where was Gaagha and Gaaghskiy Tribunal.In that town well known Shell- my own inheritance from my own grandfather.

They, that Russian- Armenian’s freaks occupated and appropriated Greece and now in Greece there’s police workers from Georgia working at the snap’s of the fingers of Russians prostitutes and maids. They do not see mass killings at there’s eyes, mass rejected on the way mattress’s, dresses, pillow’s after the killings peoples, appropriating the houses of new baked owners, but will be jummped for the dolly’s edicting and maked the scandals at that’s dolly’s snap’s of the fingers.

At there’s eyes as at the eyes mass of peoples may wallow’s the dresses of the victims and nobody did not asked what is it and what happen’s.

At the nights that’s dolly’s will be show for me there’s bed’s helpers dicks and multi tongue’s with the help of strange fascists translator or as installation TV inside me and will be grill my own hair as allways. They don only chows for me that dick and multi tongue , but discussed it by that strange installation inside me. In Warszaw they at the day of the Catholic Christmas showed for me the head of the killing man without body at the way- in puddle ( pool, plash) of the blood.

At the childs playground they will be fired to the childs bladder and they will be in mass pee-urinated as that freaks at that playground pressure me and fireing to the bladder- that’s campany of the freaks will be pressure by pee urinating at the same place as me , as little child’s and have a nice time. What installation all have and who are that freaks?

Sometimes I hear-” She died. How do you know it? I has chat with her”.Understand? Or ” Give for me chat with him. The chat is closed. He did not pee-urinate”. What is it- who need that fucking chat for pee-urinating? Some days ago I hear” We have Geraskina here”. Understand? Alla Geraskina- strange correspondent of Novaya Gazeta. What she is doing here?

Some times ago I hear” Send the little girl in an apartment she us hears. Don’t kill that girl”- told woman to the man about me and some girl. Who are they and what is it?

12.10.2009 near 24:00 I hear little child – girl ” Ой мамочки, у меня кровь пошла “-” Oi, mummy , at me blood has gone”.

13.10.2009 at the day unexpectedly for myself I have taken the hair in hands have looked at them and have heard “Will write still them- we shall burn down them and later”.

17.10.2009 at 22:32 -I hear at the garden of that house in which I renting the appartment- ” We need the sound to do more- she hear us “- told the freak with KGB voice in Russian language. They live’s around me as gipsy’s.

17.10.2009 near 23: I hear when decided to sleep – ” How it is necessary for us that she has laid down – back up?No, on the right side.” Told two freaks woman. They decided that they could rule by that fascists installation by my own position in the bed. Understand?

18.10.2009 at the morning:” Understand, we must change the palace to the shed and barn? Where are you going Serezh?” – who are they, that freaks?

Appropriating 500 thousands billions from my own inheritance oil and gas business in Middle East they continue to bleat.

And for the morning these rubbish creatures will drive me on the same place again will force to lift hair and they again will be bleat we have again decreased. And I shall see that my hair burn out and became shorter on next 20 sm.

It name’s the hiden status to my own defence. Written off the billions from my own profits from my own inheritance oil and gas concern Opec to my own needs and own defence , they ordinary deficated and stoled that financies, forgotting to inform me about my own inheritance at all. Who must to kill them?

Alfa Group – translated as all barked- consist generally from two persons- Sergey Lopatinskiy – native son from my adopting parents and native connections with Nikita and Sergey Kruschev- and Aleksandr Turkin or Aleksandr Grigorievich Dekanidze , which scened own murder in 1997 under the name of Boris Dekanidze. That Aleksandr Turkin- Dekanidze have strong connections in the bed with Natalia Bondarenko- Lopatinskaya and together with her stoled my own profits with the help of bank Snoras- and Irina Smirnova- Noskova- Gorbacheva ( connections with Boris Gromov family and the man which face look like George Soros face – in any words with the double of the killing George Soros). His native mother Tamara Turkina was the wife of Grigoriy Dekanidze. When he decided to changed the name- he took her surname. His native brother lived under the name Vadim Uvarov. At first in Minsk, later in Moscow. And grassed my own oldest son. Aleksandr Turkin by himself operated in UAE with my own inheritance financies. With the help of his father with doubles under the name Sheikh Khalifa. And Sergey Lopatinskiy , which has Arab dresses too as they that think that Arab dresses by themselfes in UAE. Boris Dekanidze likes the dolly’s as Barby. Now in Athens at Isminis 80 and 82 they have such great Napoleon Barby. I wrote about her impudentment. More- she decided to regulate my own hair density and length and my own color of the brow’s and eyelashes. Every night that dolly Barby grilling my own hair , making face that at the night must be a sun. And my own hair as my own brows and eyelashes must change the color. She decided that she with her gigolo can blackmail me and appropriate my own inheritance financie’s and profits. All that nice campany consists from the new made trustees of my own inheritance which killed the trustees. Now in Saudi Arabia I have the new made trustee- king Abdullah- translated as-Swindlered ah -with the face of my adopting mother. And Al Waleed bin Talal. In UAE – Sheikh Khalifa with Aleksandr Turkin. In Iran -Ali Khamenei. Which do not answered for all my own asks. Teutonic Knights Castle Marienburg – new made owners of that Castle some Grigoriy Dekanidze and his son Aleksandr Turkin- Dekanidze. They appropriated my own inheritance in Lithuania Trakai Castle which was the part of the group of my own inheritance castles and villas after my own grandfather and grandmother. Sheikha Moza from Qatar- or Maria Likhosherst from Kiev appropriated with them’s that Castle. When I was in Malbork they slink out me from that town afraiding that I can see that Castle and my own memory which they cleaned will be return and I shall recollect that Castle.
All that nice campany with mass doubles headed by my adopting mother with native relations with Josif Stalin and Sergey Lopatinskiy. There’s helpers from Evgeniy Primakov’s family- Nina Gavriushina and her sister Natalia Stroganova ruled there and robbed my last cents. For them helps there’s native brother Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Lazarenko or Aleksandr Gliklad – new made Irakliy and great bankier in mass banks and Geniki too. All that nice campany as gipsy’s sticking around me and my own son and stolling every cents. Starting the war in Albania that Russian’s- Chechen’s campany decided to appropriate the oil pool and plash. But only killed peoples. There are no oil and gas deposites in Albania. And Albanian’s decided to have borrowed by prostitution and slavetrading. And now there’s Albanian friends as Yorgas Funtis- translated as – falsificate of the gas only pound is- headed the part of prostitute service here in Athens and clean and kill the root citizents in Greece with the help of Belarus prostitutes. They grassed me in all places- as at the streets, as in bus’s. Looking at the cam’s in the bus’s and waiting by themselfes. That Albanian friend of that Yorgas Funtis grassed me with the prostitute and his friend in the bus, maked my own foto and his friends jummped from the bus. They started invasion to Albania as to Irag and Jordan. My adopting family lived in Sverdlovsk at Moskowskaya 9-31. At Moskowskaya 9-20 lived Hussein family with daughter Aleksandra. At first that adopters to my own inheritance financies and business decided to smell socks of Hussein of Jordan. And in 07.02. 1999 they killed that Hussein. After that to the throne in Jordan happenly seat down tatarian maid Natalia Chernova , which has education with me at the Ural University, and her great partners- Nikolay Severuchin with doubles and son of Boris Gromov- Aleksey with doubles. That Hussein bin Talal was the son of Talal bin Abdullah. And has a connections with swindler Al Waleed bin Talal, my adopting mother and her native daughter Larisa Bakova with nickname Asma Al Assad in Syria. 06.03.1999 they that Chernova- Gromov- Severuchin’s family killed king of Bahrain and 8 years later in that day visited Washington and George and Laura Bush – ex Laura Charadze- Primakova. 11.09.2001 they ruined my own property after my own grandfather twin-towers in USA and started the war against Saddam Hussein. Looking the gold of my own grandfather in Irag. But found only the smell of the stocks of Saddam Hussein and letter ” Dear daughter”. Founding in my own appartment the coffe complex with salver ( tray) with the Italian star and lettering “made in Albania” – they started the war in Kosovo for the oil pool and plash, which maked as his native pee-urinating Sergey Lopatinskiy with his friends and native relations- Pavel Lobov and Aleksandr Turkin. Inputing the Russian army to Kosovo 11.06.1999 – in my own birthday. Two days later they were displaced by American Army. From that time there’s Albanian freaks as Yorgas Funtis- translated as – falsificat of gas only pound is- pursue me with there’s prostitute baggage camp and started there’s great business for cleaning the roots citizent’s as in Poland, as in Greece. And only in 2009 they in great surprise khew that oil and gas places have a natural production only in there’s bottoms, dicks and vagina’s.

“Turkey and Albania announced Sunday that they agreed to introduce visa exemption and lift entrance fees reciprocally.
Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and his Albanian counterpart and Deputy Premier Ilir Meta who, met in Tirana on Sunday, held a joint press conference after the meeting. “

In Sunday 18.10.2009 in the urgent order was the meeting between two great helpers of the robbers of oil and gas business in Middle East. They decided to open the borders to the Albanians gipsy’s to Turkey. For not understanding, what they are doing in Turkey and why disappeared there the great part of the Turkish citizents. As in Greece -when they killed and cleaned the most part of the citizents of Greece and in Greece mass appeared the citizents from Albania and Bangladesh. As in there’s native countries and native homes.

And maked new elections. Not so far in Greece was congregation of the robbers( thief’s) in law. And after that somebody decided to clean the most part of the Greeks.

What decided that congregation? And why in the beginning and middle of the 1990-th was the mass cleaning and killing the robbers in law from Georgia? Who seating down and in what places and became to make the faces that they now new baked robbers in law and for what reason? The cats in riding boot’s from the KGB and milicija 0r police workers. And they became to control oil and gas business- my own inheritance from my own grandfather.

Well- known milicija worker and robber of my own inheritance business was Oleg Lobov. Originally from Lopatinskiy- Breznev family. The great terrorist in Tokyo metro. And great appropriating of my own inheritance from my own grandfather in Japan and blackmailing my own father.

Week ago in Albania in Tirana was another great meeting – between Greek Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis and his Albanian counterpart, Sali Berisha.

“The Greek premier, who arrived in Tirana earlier on Monday, congratulated Berisha over Albania’s recent NATO membership, while the Albania premier, on his part, thanked Athens for its support of Albania’s course towards NATO and for Tirana’s quest to join the European Union.”

Ahmet Davutoglu – translated as – ah honey and meeting press that go ill and barked those who without dresses. He became new minister of Foreign Affairs in Turkey 01.05.2009 – in the day of the international union of the proletarian workers. He was born in Konya – translated as bank cash I am too and dick.

Ilir Meta – became prime minister of Albania after the starting the War in Kosovo in my own birthday for the puddle, pool, plash of oil in that piece of land- “Prime Minister of Albania from 29 October 1999 to 22 February 2002″.

Costas Karamanlis – was incorporated information picture of the new made business of Vitaliy Yaroshevskiy

from my class and school and Konstantin Likhosherts – native father of Maria Likhosherst and ex soviet military worker- his native daughter- now great ruler in Qatar – country of the trusteeship of my own inheritance- with nickname Sheikha Moza. And Konstantin Smirnov. With doubles under the name Roman Abramovich and native relations with great Afghanistan hero Boris Gromov. Which was the creature of my adopting mother originally from Kruschev- Stalin family.

“The independence of the Turkic states of the Soviet Union in 1991, with whom Turkey shares a common cultural and linguistic heritage, allowed Turkey to extend its economic and political relations deep into Central Asia.[54] The most salient of these relations saw the completion of a multi billion dollar oil and natural gas pipeline from Baku in Azerbaijan to the port of Ceyhan in Turkey. The Baku–Tbilisi–Ceyhan pipeline, as it is called, has formed part of Turkey’s foreign policy strategy to become an energy conduit to the West.”

First of all they needed Iraq.


In this handout image provided by the Iraqi Prime Minister Office, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki (L) receives Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan (C) as he arrives at Baghdad airport on July 10, 2008 in Baghdad, Iraq. Erdogan’s visit is the first by a Turkish PM in 18 years and is focusing on strenthening political and economic relations between the two nations. It comes in the wake of an armed attack on the US embassy in Istanbul.

Appropriating the oil and gas deposite’s places from my own inheritance in the cointries of the trusteeships in the Middle East – Opec countries- the Turkish- Azerbaijan – Russian campany of the mummers and doubles became to lie. They robbed the deposit place in Iraq. And started the delivering to Azerbaijan. In 1974 they fighting for Cyprus with Greece – at the Cyprus was the deposit place of financie’s from Mazeiku Nafta – my own inheritance in Lithuania. Cyprus by itselves was my own inheritance from my own grandfather and in 1974 I must should to receive and take my own inheritance. But have no it till now. Now in Cyprus manage the Alfa Group with it’s Conversbank with the mask’s of the names.

Abdullah Gül -new barked president of Turkey – the country of robbers of my own inheritance – became the prime minister 18.11.2002 – one month before some freak Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya with Sergey Lopatinskiy and Aleksandr Turkin – Dekanidze decided to kill me and my own youngest son – 19.10.2002 they send us to death. When we returned from the death 23.10.2002 – in that day in Moscow started Nord -Ost.

As I wrote -George Bush visited Vilnius 23.11.2002. Four days later when that fucking Abdullah Gul- translated as – Swindlered ah became the prime minister. He was from campany of the Illuminate -translated as – we are ill have those-that. And with connections with king Abdullah in Saudi Arabia- country of the trusteeship of my own inheritance.

Foto- tatarian maids new baked Emine Erdogan – center -and Natalia Chernova- right

That new baked king has the face of the native brother of my adopting mother. And connections with another personage from Boris Gromov’s family – new baked king Abdullah II from Jordan- native son of that Gromov- Aleksey and some Nikolay Severuchin from Mozga ( Udmurtia) with campany of doubles. The role of new made queen of Jordan played tatarian maid Natalia Chernova which has education with me at the University in Sverdlovsk.

Look the beginning ” Alfa Group and my own inheritance Audi, Volkswagen, Volvo etc. and Belarus dolly’s”

Anzor Kikalishvili was the partner of Josif Kobson ( with Aleksandr Gliklad- ex Aleksandr Primakov, and with the help of Efim Borodulin and bank Snoras, Aleksandr Turkin- Dekanidze, Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya , Asma Al Assad, Yulia Timoshenko all of them’s take my own profits from Middle East oil and gas projects) in Moscow great and reach business oil and gas trading and drilling.

Foto -some Prazdnikov, Zereteli, Boris Gromov and Andzor Kikalishvilli.

With private connections with Boris Gromov- great hero in Afghanistan and blackmailer of my own father. Starting the war in Afghanistan, they at the same time jummped to Iran, which was Opec country- the country of the trusteeship of my own inheritance.

Who pawned the deposit place of oil and gas in Iran, who has come to power and who grasped the business, financie’s, profits ?

And from that time in Iran happenly seating down some Ali Khamenei with strange face of Azerbaijan proletariat in looking the oil and gas deposits places- as Gamal Mubarak in Egypt. From very rich oil and gas Azerbaijan country.

That Ali Khamenei was put on that place by Sergey and Nikita Krushev family and my adopting mother with relations with Josif Stalin. The new president of Iran some Mahmoud Ahmadinejad- his private boy.

Foto-In what language they so nicely talk? 12.02.2007 after unblocking from Lithuania for the payment of 1,5 billions we were in Poland and some Vladimir Putin – happy husband of Tatiana Elcina with nickname Ludmila Putina has a meeting with that Sheikh Khalifa.

Sheikh Hamad Khalifa happy husband of Maria Likhosherst from Kiev- now with nickname Sheikha Moza- was put on that place of the Qatar ruler – Qatar is Opec country as Iran- in 27.06.1995 by my adopting family too. As Larisa Ginko- Surkova with nickname Hillary Clinton in USA. And Grigoriy Dekanidze as Sheikh Khalifa in UAE – which was Opec – trusteeship country too, as Iran and Qatar.

In Alaska they put to the place of the governor new mading Sean Parnell- “He went from the Alaska house and senate to the oil company, ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc., to one of the largest oil lobbying firms in the U.S. and then back to a state job as deputy director of Alaska’s Division of Oil & Gas, the position he held while running for lieutenant governor.” That very rich interesting oil company from the Texas and Houston – translated as – house that he. That new made governor was born 19.11.1962.

Foto-Pope Benedict, right, is seen with German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the Munich Residence in September 2006. Merkel is calling on the Pope to make a ‘very clear’ rejection of Holocaust denial after he rehabilitated a bishop who questioned its existence. (Frank Augstein/Associated Press)

In Germany from them seating down some Angela Merkel with Oksana Ginko face. And Benedict XVI Ratzinger with make up – king Abdullah in Saudi Arabia. Benedict XVI Ratzinger decided to visit Munich and have a meeting with Oksana Ginko 09.09.2006- in that day happenly died or legalizated his death some Arkadiy Volskiy- in chainy with him was Ariel Sharon. Ariel Sharon maked a guarantee that I will have a profits from my own inheritance financies from Middle East projects from my own grandfather in the accounts in bank Snoras in Lithuania . That financies appropriated Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya, Sergey Lopatinskiy, Aleksandr Gliklad- Primakov , Aleksandr Turkin- Dekanidze, etc. Without information me at all.

In November28 – December 1 in 2006 that Pope visited Turkey. 23.11.2006 in London was savagenly killed Aleksandr Litvinenko- organizer of that killing was Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya.

That Pope was from” the city of Munich where he was the Archbishop from 1977 to 1982.” When I has born my own first son.

In that town all that years was Munich fair. As in twin towers in USA Word Jewish Trading Center. Trading by the twins. From Munich was well known baron Munichhausen- Munchausen – great world liear. Which role in Russia played the actor Oleg Ivanovich Jankovskiy- information picture of Oleg Ivanovich Lobov, which organized a Zarin- Sarin gas attack in Tokyo metro in May 1995.

In that German Munich- my own inheritance from my own grandfather – BMW company. And own inheritance from my own grandmother Neuschwanstein Castle. In that Munich some dolly Angela Merkel has residence- Schleissheim Palace – my own inheritance from my own grandmother. That prostitute mixed her native village Soloboyevo and her grandmother Sekletinia with my own grandmother and her inheritance.

With some dolly Dmitriy Medvedev they mixed the owners of General Motors, Opel, BMW and other companies from my own grandfather with there’s mummers from factory bolshevik. New made owners of the Opel happenly appropriated with the Opel Falkenstein Schloos near Neuschwanstein’s schloos.

Appropriating my own inheritance from my own grandfather and own grandmother they installed me by the installation for burial service – where they killed the victims with the help of installation, later deleting that installation after the death of victims.

My adopting mother ( from Nikita Kruschev family ) not only killed my own mother, stoled me from my own father and blackmailed him, but decided without any base( basis) to play the role of the great trustee of my own inheritance. That role later became instead the role of the trustee – the role of the owner. With many doubles, mummers and there’s that adopters native relations son’s and daughter’s.

They, that malicious bantling, will bear malice to envy and spoil domestic hackneyed cat, which somebody has washed up, has fed and put in order. Where is now that cat? They every second editing my own text as my own live- deciding by there’s poor mind that they can rule in my own head, in my own live, in my own inheritance and in the live of my own sons.

These rubbish bantling as allways will roast on a regular basis my own black eyebrowes, my own black eyelashes and my own black hair and to pretend, that as eyebrowes, as eyelashes , as my own hair during one night have burnt out on the sun. Who was such ruddy maid, that hated my own face and my own surface, but adored my own inheritance financie’s and appropriated it’s?

They can to pour out and empty at me the pail of water, when started the rain and to wait and discussed in that chat – that such fascists installation inside me -shall I lift up a skirt and to squeeze out it, to show to everybody the lame legs or no? And smiling.

They will be so envious what to enter into an apartment and to put a candle on old but still a good shot coat and shiting that coat from China only because they bring and sell from China a shit’s.

Those who disfigured the cat are with me in everysecond’s communication. Understand? Who must to kill them’s ?

That Andzor Kikalishvilli- Aksentiev – translated as AK to Senya – river of you are Jew. It means that he that Anzor happenly trading by AK weapons , appropriated my own inheritance in France, the current financie’s in that country -hay for cows and decided that he are Jew.

He have strong connections with my adopting mother- native mother of the Asma Al Assad in Syria- translated as herself pee-urinate- and the Ivan and Nina Kostromskoy’s , Al Waleed bin Talal- Andrey Kozuchov- Mechrencev ( native brother of Marina Berlusconi).

Appropriating all my own inheritance financie’s , business and profits and trustee’s profits in oil and gas monopoly business -500 thousands billions from the year with trustee’s percents -they continue to bleat.
From 1995 they became to seat down at the thrones in Qatar – Maria Likhosherst- she has education with me in Sverdlovsk University but was from Kiev- as Sheikha Moza, Lubov Mazurina – Eberzenok was from Kemerovo but has education with me in University too and became Irina Abramovich, Natalia Chernova in 1999 became new made queen Rania from Abdullah- translated as – swindlered ah. For all of them’s help to seat down at that places some Grigoriy Dekanidze- now Sheikh Khalifa in UAE with doubles- and his native son Aleksandr Turkin- Dekanidze. They happenly falsificated with my adopting family and Sergey Lopatinskiy – Kruschev the testament of my own grandfather and grandmother.
All that nice new made owners happenly aprropriated my own inheritance in France , UK , USA , Middle East etc . and inheritance of my own trustees.

At there’s head now jummping another wave of occupation.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

BMW Simple

Nissan Landglider’ı görüp beğenenler bir de aynı konsepte BMW tarafından baksınlar. BMW’nin henüz tanıtımını yaptığı Simple, benzeri birkaç araç olmasına ramen, başta BMW olması ve muhteşem tasarımıyla diğerlerinden bir adım önde olacak gibi görünüyor.

BMW’nin bu 3 tekerlekli konsept aracı, düşük sürtünme ile yakıt tasarrufu sağlamak amacıyla gördüğünüz şekilde tasarlanmış (sürtünme katsayısı 0.18). Ayrıca yine yakıt tasarrufu açısından önemli bir özelliği ise 450 kg olması.

200 km maksimum hıza ulaşmasını sağlayan küçük bir içten yanmalı motoru ve bir de elektrik motoru bulunuyor. 10 saniyenin altında 100 km hıza ulaşıyor üstelik yaklaşık 4 litre benzinle 190 km gidebiliyor. Fakat bu prototipin üretime geçip geçmeyeceği ile ilgili kesin bilgi bulunmuyor.

Kaynak: [Slashgear]

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Utóbbi időben semmi sem megy ahogy szeretném. Minden rosszul sül el és már kezdek kiakadni…állandüan sza@r kedvem van, már majdnem h depressziós kezdek lenniXD Mai napm is hasonlóan ócska volt min utóbbi két -három héten bármelyik…totál unalmas volt és nemtudtam mit tenni…Szerencsére S3cond ötletet adott, hogy mit is csinálhatnék, így elég jól elüttem délutánom. Semmi értelmeset nem csináltam, ami mondjuk nem ujdonság, de háy egyszer élünk…

Hogy miről van szó? animációt készitettem paintben!!! yupi…de

Itt is van a végeredmény…:

Thursday, October 15, 2009

MacBook Pro, BMW 328i, First Multi Site Build

First things first, I hit the Apple Store yesterday afternoon and pulled the trigger on another Mac. This time it was a 13″ MacBook Pro 2.26 Ghz, all the power I need in a beautifully sleek and compact design. I run airport sharing from my iMac so I can access the network from anywhere in or around my house with the new notebook. I will upgrade the memory and hard drive next week from 2 gigs to 4 gigs and 160 gigabytes & 5200 rpm to 500 gigabytes & 7200 rpm respectively. I’ll let you know how it goes.

I currently run the 328i BMW for all my Executive tasks and today was my first experience with customer service @ BMW. WOW! I had some basic service performed, including all fluids, air pressure, as well as a tire pressure sensor reset. Bottom line: in and out in under 30 minutes with at least 7 other people waiting and THE BEST SERVICE I have ever received from an auto dealer. If you don’t own a BMW automobile… you should.

The Great Multi Site Experiment is off and running. My first effort has been extremely encouraging and met with much appreciation. I will spare you the link, as I would prefer a more organic process for people to stumble upon my sites. Eventually though, (once traffic is flowing on a consistent basis) I will provide a comprehensive list of all my site builds along with my failures, triumphs and tips for only the most useful techniques which yielded positive results.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

BMW'den teknoloji harikası

BMW’nin son konsepti gerçekten çok dikkat çekici ve harika bir tasarım olarak ilgi çekiyor. Şirket bu arabayı “SIMPLE” yani basit olarak tanıtsa da bu sizi kandırmasın.

“Az enerji tüketen devrimsel ve gelişen mobil ürünler” parolasıyla yola çıkılan bu araç tam bir uzay gemisini andırıyor. BMW konsept araç 450 kg ağırlığında ve elektrik motor ile içten yanmalı motoru aynı anda kullanarak 180 km kadar hız yapabiliyor. Sıfırdan altmışa 10 saniyenin altında ulaşabilirken az enerji tüketmesiyle de oldukça ilgi çekiyor.

BMW henüz bu konsept aracını satma konusunda bir plan yapmadıklarını ifade etti. Ancak Almanya’da yaşayan gurbetçilerimize iyi bir haberimiz var. Aracı yakından görmek istiyorsanız Münih’te ki BMW müzesine göz atabilirsiniz…

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Desarrollo Sustentable

Haciendo reflexión  con lo que será el futuro de la industria automotriz me doy cuenta que hoy mas que nunca las armadoras tendrán que pensar mas el  desarrollo sustentable de los recursos naturales  y esto es pensar en desarrollar automóviles cada vez mas amigables con el medio  ambiente. Hay muchas marcas que apuestan por nuevas tecnologías como podría ser  el caso de los automóviles Diesel  Híbridos o a Hidrogeno.

Dentro de estas tecnologías el diesel es una respuesta a corto plazo pues los combustibles derivados del petróleo  se acabaran en no menos de 50 años. Dentro de este lapso las armadoras podrían desarrollar tecnologías como un diesel-hibrido del que se podría obtener una autonomía de 1800 Km.  o mas. Eficientar  mas  el control de emisiones diesel como seria el caso de la tecnología Bluetec y pensando mas en el desarrollo de automóviles completamente reciclables. Yo creo que este es el primer paso que hay que dar.

Después de unos años yo apunto mas al desarrollo de los automóviles  de combustible hidrogeno ya que estos utilizan una reacción química llamada (redox) oxido- reducción en la que solamente el producto de la combustión es agua esta tecnología esta actualmente siendo desarrollada por BMW y Mercedes Benz el primero empezó desarrollando alternativas mas ecológicas dentro de lo que se conoce como Efficient Dynamics después con el H2R que rompió un record de velocidad para el Hidrogeno y próximamente en 2010 con la entrada de la serie 7 a hidrogeno. El segundo pionero con el desarrollo de este combustible fue  Mercedes Benz con su clase” A”  F-CELL  y se espera la futura  implementación de esta tecnología  a próximos modelos de la casa.

Finalmente yo creo  este combustible a probado su efectividad lo único que haría falta es el desarrollo de plantas que suministren el combustible. Además de poder controlar este gas de una manera segura y eficiente.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Handlebars for Road King Classic

Let me cut to the chase by saying Heritage Softail bars are going on the 2010 Road King Classic.

There’s a very, very long story of handlebars that goes with my FLHRC.  And it’s not a good story.  But it does end with finding money, and maybe flava the dragon came too …

I want beach bars.  I think they look great and I think they capture how I feel about riding: casual, relaxed, chill.  The opposite of drag bars.  The opposite attitude of ape hangers.  The kind you’d find on a 1955 bicycle if you rode to the pier and bought an ice cream cone.

Beach bars won’t work for me.  They pull back a lot and my arms are very long.   Yes, that long.  Well, ladies, what can I say …

So yeah, no beach bars.  I’d have to pull my elbows up and it’d look like I was riding a wheelbarrow (that’s “wheelbarrel” for those that have never been to a Devitt’s and seen the price sticker with the proper wasp name on it…).

What then?  I really like the Chubby Wild1 bars.  They all look good, and the construction videos and the customer testimonials really sold me.  Or sold the bars, I should say, because I was fixin’ to pick up some.  The question became which?  The Road King and Road King II bars were the obvious choice, because they improved on the already-there bars and that seemed the prudent way to go.  I wasn’t taken with them, though, because I want something sexy for all that money ($215 for the bars, in 2009 dollars*  –  then around $500 for labor, since the lines all need to be extended and the ABS and TBW complicate things).  The RK and RKII bars have that crimp, crinkle, harsh bend, ugly turn, etc., that I couldn’t abide.

So I looked at baby apes, of all things.  They really grew on me.  They really do work with all sorts of bikes, and all eras, but they’re not really ‘me’ so I figured I’d let it go.

Back to square one.

Then, after what was so frustrating and annoying I’ll just skip to the end, I found the adjustable Heritage bars (same as on Police models) were an easy swap (no extension wires to run except the blinker cables, which is negligable).

The frustration could be summed as follows: WHY THE HELL can’t we put in perspective/angle parameters when using a google image search?  How long will it be before they crowdsource the cataloging of images to include what view you’re getting? Some things have MANY views, MANY sides, and having 44,000 pictures to sort through just to get the few dozen from “underneath left” really, really pissed me off.  It felt like blind hunting through FTP sites before thumbnails were ubiquitous.  Google image’s thumbnails need to evolve to have perspective tags. SRSLY!~

Heritage bars are the same as the Police bars on FLHRP(I)’s.  Have you seen what the MC cops can do?   They tend to be the *best* with maneuvering (skip 34 seconds in for the Road King):

Obviously the rider has great skill, but the Heritage / Police bars don’t get in the way at all.  I mean that literally – you can got *THAT* tight in your turns without hitting your own knee.  I’m 6′ tall and my legs are actually somewhat shorter than average (pant length 31″), I believe, but for whatever reason my knees are up way over the tank on the Road King.  Maybe I sit like a dweeb!

By the way, if you’re impressed by great riding, the hardest thing (IMO) is the slowride.  Here’s a video that still amazes me:

And of course, the Heritage / Police bars are adjustable, so that right there is a major plus.  They’re made for comfort as well as performance, and if they’re good enough for the Police then they’ll work for me and all of my different riding moods.

Looks wise, they’re not as sharp looking as the beach bars, but someone thinks the tall bars look right:

I'm not imitating anything - I have ALWAYS loved peanut butter, banana, and fried, in any combination.

Just hope they look good with the windshield off.

And while I was at it, I ordered the 1962 gun sight tank badges.

Now I can go around telling everyone about my life behind bars.  And when they say “what bars?” I can say “Police bars, son, Police bars…”

And no one will think it’s funny, because I’ll have taken that old joke too far.

*Allow me to admit that I hope this blog gets picked up by anyone else looking for information on a Harley-Davidson 2010 Road King Classic (with ABS … or without!).  You can tell I’m throwing in the model very often, almost as much as I can without (hopefully) becoming overbearing.  It’s intentional.  I AM advertising (but only ’selling’ my free information; the story of my experience).  I want people who were stuck in my situation (”will this work with a 2010?” or “what can I expect from a 2010?”) to have at least SOME trustworthy resource.

And yes, I realize that by 2012, no one will care at all about a 2010.  So there’s not much need to label pricetags with the year.  But fuck it, there’s a comet coming in 2012, and the 2010 model may be more popular than ya think.  Especially if the MoCo screws something up.  Plus I can use this blog for my own records.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Joy of driving? Not sure that belongs to BMW

I’ve been trying not to write this post for a few weeks.  You see, I really wanted to love the new BMW campaign, all about joy.

I really like BMWs. They’re in my blood.  I’ve got a little one.  But I didn’t buy it because it made me joyful.  And getting into it to go to the office does not make me want to burst into the halleluiah chorus.

My car makes me feel safe, protected, cosseted against the world and I get a tiny kick out of putting my foot down on the M1.  It even makes me a little bit proud that I spent a lot of time wading through powerpoint and sitting in boring meetings to pay for it.  But I can’t say that Joy gets a look in.

The new X1 ad states that ‘Joy is going where the mood takes you’, hence you need something that will go off road.  Expect that makes the entire 4WD category joyous, not just Beemers. 

I think I will actually have to buy an X1 next time as my 1 series is totally incapable of coping with snow, ice, gravel, grass or anything else that isn’t smooth tarmac.  Which isn’t very joyous either.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Puya - Change

Puya ne uimeste iar cu ceva nou. Ghici ce a scos. O melodie comerciala (un soi de manea) gen “Undeva in Balkani” in care vorbeste despre tot felul de cacaturi in care sa se regaseasca cocalarii reparii adevarati.

Cine canta si ne incanta: Puya, Hora, sora lu’ Hora (care e foarte urata si cu gusturi oribile in materie de haine)

Clip-ul este unul extrem de greu de realizat. La el s-a lucrat… Pregatiti-va… V-ati pregatit? … … … 1 zi. Si au avut nevoie de extrem de multe materiale precum 1 canapea si o telecomanda.

Deci e clar. Noua manea, pardon melodie a lui Puya, va avea multe succesuri. Dabea astept sa o aud prin toate BMW-urile si Daciile tunate STRONG.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

GP Brasil

Dia 18 de outubro é dia de torcer pelo Brasil. Todos os anos, a cidade de São Paulo tem o prazer em sediar a etapa brasileira de Fórmula 1. O autódromo Carlos Pace, em Interlagos, é onde ocorre o Grande Prêmio do Brasil, e fique na expectativa pois o campeonato mundial de pilotos será decidido aqui.

A corrida acontece dia18 de outubro, sendo a penúltima do campeonato. Os ingressos já estão sendo vendidos, muitas alas já estão com seus ingressos esgotados, então, se você ainda desejar assistir a corrida, corra! Contar com cambistas nesta hora não é uma boa idéia.

Informações ao público

São três dias de evento. Os treinos livres acontecem na sexta, dia 16, o treino classificatório no sábado, e a corrida no domingo. É importante avisar que não é possível comprar ingressos apenas para domingo. O público pode comprar somente para os três dias ou para o treino de sábado e a corrida de domingo.

Os organizadores do evento ressaltam que o único site oficial do GP Brasil é o, onde é possível adquirir os ingressos com total segurança. A pedido do público, as vendas tiveram início em dezembro do ano passado para que algumas facilidades fossem possíveis, como um parcelamento maior no cartão de crédito.

No site, ainda é possível adquirir pacotes de viagem que dão direito a hotel, ingresso e translado direto para o Autódromo.

Importante ressaltar que a aquisição dos convites pela web só é possível através do cartão de crédito. Os ingressos disponíveis são dos seguintes setores: A, B, D, E, F, G, M e V. Valores variam de acordo com as datas e serviços que cada setor oferece. Dos locais citados acima, o ingresso mais barato sai a R$ 526,00 para sábado e domingo, no Setor A, e o mais caro a R$ 2.220,00 para sexta, sábado e domingo, no Setor E.

É possível ainda adquirir ingressos na bilheteria do autódromo no caso de toda a cota da internet não ser comercializada. A provável venda nas bilheterias de Interlagos acontece de 10 a 15 de outubro, e neste caso, os bilhetes podem ser comprados apenas com dinheiro.

Back to the Basics of Rob Pattinson

Dear Rob,

You know what I miss? I miss the good ol’ days when I could post 3 sentences about how I hate your new hair cut and then take it back the very next day. Or when Moon would write a 3 paragraph post inviting you to her house for Christmas and when a video we find for Saturday Morning Delight hasn’t already been viewed 347,785 times. I miss the newness and simplicity of our love (and I miss how saying “our love” wouldn’t be totally 1st hand embarrassed because only Moon & 3 people read it as opposed to thousands of people and media outlets). I miss writing to your mom and to your ex girlfriend (Will you break up with your rumored current girlfriend so I can write to her?)

There’s all this pressure. And there’s no news. You’re hiding in a foreign country and as a result we have to be more creative. Not to mention we seem to spend more time making FUN of you lately than gushing over you. What happened? What did YOU do (because I know it’s not me)?

So you know what I say? I say eff it, I’m over long-winded posts where we make fun of you (for today) or put down that girl you’re supposedly with (for today) or where I write a manifesto of why or why not, how or how not or if or if not something or other is going on, will go on, should go on or needs to happen behind a dumpster. I’m OVER IT (for today).

I’m taking us back to the basics. Back to the days where I would look at a new picture and think of how nice it would be to see YOU vaccuming my floor. Back to when “Rob Porn” meant pictures of you organizing a bookshelf (I just had an orgasm- Rob & organize in the same sentence? Yes! Yes! SEVEN!) instead of a caption that says “Wanna ruin the organized books and get it on up against this bookshelf?” So today I bring you- traditional Rob “Porn for Women”

Clicky to make small pics bigger

What will Rob do next? Will he Vacuum? Iron? Or….. put away the LAUNDRY!? Find out after the jump

Sigh…. nothing like the good ol’ days…

Now get over here and disorganize my bookshelf,

Do you miss a time when lovin’ Rob was so much less complicated? Sigh…

Remember the good ol’ days on The Forum
See what Twilight prayers have been answered over on LTT
Don’t forget about the “Imma enter a Twilight contest” Contest Enter from now and October 7th at 11:59 pm!

I love you Moon. PS Aja- recognize the Sweatpants Porn? You sent that to us AGES ago! THANKS!