Thursday, January 14, 2010

nut up, or shut up.

a few months ago my good friend Zeem asked if i could take his car to a photoshoot for him because he was going to have to be at work all day. of course i said yes since im such a good friend and i def couldnt let my homie not get a little bit of spotlight with his fresh out of the paint booth set up. so i meet up with the speedhunters guys and a few other guys they had lined up to shoot that day too. total there were about 5-6 cars. coincidentally the first one that drew my attn was a nice little e36. the owner, Mando came up and complimented Zeems car. we made small talk and made our way out to richmond / rosenburg (suburbs of houston). while waiting our turns for the photographers to finish with a few other cars, we all made small talk / shot the ish / and pretty much got to know each other, turns out these guys drove from San Antonio, pretty down ass guys if you ask me. while taking a break from shooting and waiting, we all went to get something to eat, Rod from speedhunters asked Mando to move his car up a driveway. as the car crept up the driveway, the bumper caught the concrete and flexed a little too hard and kicked out a fog light and broke the lens. gotta pay to play right? no big deal we’ve all lost something from riding low. after the shoot and on the way back into town, Mando had a little mishap and had a cooling problem, he never made it back to the meet. luckily one of the other guys from SA got in contact with him and we were able to go pick him up and get him replacement parts. this guy stayed in a parking lot for HOURS around the corner from my house fixing his little problem, solja indeed. about a month later his speedhunters feature came out all you hear is ppl complaining and criticising him for riding so low and how he ruined his car etc, the few that stood by him are the few that know him or know what it takes to ride low, just cause you cant do it, dont hate someone that is ready and willing to let his bumper spit out a foglight, thats barely scratching the surface of the costs of riding low. basically all those sissys need to shut up, they are too scared to do anything out of the norm, and too scared to ride low. basically what im saying is nut up, or shut up.

car had great stance and i love those vette wheels, either you hate it or love it i guess. i happen to love it. but all good things must come to an end, not but a few weeks later homie decided to change it up a little bit, got new wheels custom refinished and some other odds and ends done to the car, and guess what? car still looks badass.


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